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ath79: add support for Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H is a dual band router based on Qualcom Atheros AR7161 rev 2 Specification: - 680 MHz CPU (Qualcomm Atheros AR7161) - 128 MiB RAM (2x Samsung K4H511638G-LCCC) - 32 MiB Flash (2x Winbond 25Q128BVFG) - WiFi 5 GHz a/n (Atheros AR9220) - WiFi 2.4 GHz b/g/n (Atheros AR9223) - 1000Base-T WAN (Atheros AR7161) - 4x 1000Base-T Switch (Atheros AR8316) - 1x USB 2.0 - 3 Buttons (AOSS/WPS, Reset, USB Eject) - 2 Slide switches (Router (on/off/auto), Movie Engine (on/off)) - 9 LEDs (Power green, WLAN 2GHz green, WLAN 2GHz amber, WLAN 5GHz green, WLAN 5GHz LED amber, Router green, Diag red, Movie Engine blue, USB green) It is already supported by the ar71xx target. For more information on the device visit the wiki: <https://openwrt.org/toh/buffalo/wzr-hp-ag300h> Serial console: - The UART Header is next to Movie Engine Switch. - Pinout is RX - TX - GND - 3.3V (Square Pad is 3.3V) - The Serial setting is 115200-8-N-1. Installation of OpenWRT from vendor firmware: - Connect to the Web-interface at - Go to “Administration” → “Firmware Upgrade” - Upload the OpenWrt factory image Tested: - Ethernet (LAN, WAN) - WiFi - Installation - via TFTP rescue - via factory image - on firmware v1.77 (28-05-2012) - on pro firmware v24SP2 r30356 (26-03-2018) - via sysupgrade from ar71xx (wlan devices don't work because of new names) - via sysupgrade from itself - Buttons - LEDS - USB (Power control and device recognition) Signed-off-by: Bernhard Frauendienst <openwrt@nospam.obeliks.de>
2018-08-18 16:28:02 +00:00
include ./common-buffalo.mk
include ./common-netgear.mk
include ./common-tp-link.mk
include ./common-yuncore.mk
define Build/add-elecom-factory-initramfs
$(eval edimax_model=$(word 1,$(1)))
$(eval product=$(word 2,$(1)))
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkedimaximg \
-b -s CSYS -m $(edimax_model) \
-f 0x70000 -S 0x01100000 \
-i $@ -o $@.factory
( \
echo -n -e "ELECOM\x00\x00$(product)" | dd bs=40 count=1 conv=sync; \
echo -n "0.00" | dd bs=16 count=1 conv=sync; \
dd if=$@.factory; \
) > $@.factory.new
if [ "$$(stat -c%s $@.factory.new)" -le $$(($(subst k,* 1024,$(subst m, * 1024k,$(IMAGE_SIZE))))) ]; then \
mv $@.factory.new $(BIN_DIR)/$(KERNEL_INITRAMFS_PREFIX)-factory.bin; \
else \
echo "WARNING: initramfs kernel image too big, cannot generate factory image" >&2; \
define Build/addpattern
-$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/addpattern -B $(ADDPATTERN_ID) \
-v v$(ADDPATTERN_VERSION) -i $@ -o $@.new
-mv "$@.new" "$@"
define Build/append-md5sum-bin
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/mkhash md5 $@ | sed 's/../\\\\x&/g' |\
xargs echo -ne >> $@
define Build/cybertan-trx
@echo -n '' > $@-empty.bin
-$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/trx -o $@.new \
-f $(IMAGE_KERNEL) -F $@-empty.bin \
-x 32 -a 0x10000 -x -32 -f $@
-mv "$@.new" "$@"
-rm $@-empty.bin
define Build/nec-enc
$(STAGING_DIR_HOST)/bin/nec-enc \
-i $@ -o $@.new -k $(1)
mv $@.new $@
define Build/nec-fw
( stat -c%s $@ | tr -d "\n" | dd bs=16 count=1 conv=sync; ) >> $@
( \
echo -n -e "$(1)" | dd bs=16 count=1 conv=sync; \
echo -n "0.0.00" | dd bs=16 count=1 conv=sync; \
dd if=$@; \
) > $@.new
mv $@.new $@
ath79: add support for PISEN WMB001N Specifications: - SoC: AR9341 - RAM: 64M - Flash: 16M - Ethernet: 1 * FE port - WiFi: ar934x-wmac - Sound: WM8918 DAC 1 * 3.5mm headphone jack 2 * RCA connectors for speakers 1 * SPDIF out - USB: 1 * USB2.0 port Flash instruction: Upload generated factory image via vendor's web interface. Notes: A. Audio stuff: 1. Since AR934x, all pins for peripheral blocks can be mapped to any available GPIOs. We currently don't have a PCM/I2S driver for AR934x so pinmux for i2s and SPDIF are bound to i2c gpio node. This should be moved into I2S node when a PCM/I2S driver is available. 2. The i2c-gpio node is for WM8918. DT binding for it can't be added currently due to a missing clock from I2S PLL. B. Factory image: Image contains a image header and a tar.gz archive. 1. Header: A 288 byte header that has nothing to do with appended tarball. Format: 0x0-0x7 and 0x18-0x1F: magic values 0x20: Model number string 0xFC: Action string. It's either "update" or "backup" 0x11C: A 1 byte checksum. It's XOR result of 0x8-0x11B Firmware doesn't care about the rest of the header as long as checksum result is correct. The same header is used for backup and update routines so the magic values and model number can be obtained by generating a backup bin and grab values from it. 2. Tarball: It contains two files named uImage and rootfs, which will be flashed into corresponding mtd partition. Writing a special utility that can only output a fixed binary blob is overkill so factory image header is placed under image/bin instead. C. LED The wifi led has "Wi-Fi" marked on the case but vendor's firmware used it as system status indicator. I did the same in this device support patch. D. Firmware Factory u-boot is built without 'savenv' support so it's impossible to change kernel offset. A 2MB kernel partition won't be enough in the future. OKLI loader is used here to migrate this problem: 1. add OKLI image magic support into uImage parser. 2. build an OKLI loader, compress it with lzma and add a normal uImage header. 3. flash the loader to where the original kernel supposed to be. 4. create a uImage firmware using OKLI loader. 5. flash the created firmware to where rootfs supposed to be. By doing so, u-boot will start OKLI loader, which will then load the actual kernel at 0x20000. The kernel partition is 2MB, which is too much for our loader. To save this space, "mtd-concat" is used here: 1. create a 64K (1 erase block) partition for OKLI loader and create another partition with the left space. 2. concatenate rootfs and this partition into a virtual flash. 3. use the virtual flash for firmware partition. Currently OKLI loader is flashed with factory image only. sysupgrade won't replace it. Since it only has one function and it works for several years, its unlikely to have some bugs that requires a replacement. Signed-off-by: Chuanhong Guo <gch981213@gmail.com>
2019-08-04 14:13:45 +00:00
define Build/pisen_wmb001n-factory
-[ -f "$@" ] && \
mkdir -p "$@.tmp" && \
cp "$(KDIR)/loader-$(word 1,$(1)).uImage" "$@.tmp/uImage" && \
mv "$@" "$@.tmp/rootfs" && \
cp "bin/pisen_wmb001n_factory-header.bin" "$@" && \
$(TAR) -cp --numeric-owner --owner=0 --group=0 --mode=a-s --sort=name \
$(if $(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH),--mtime="@$(SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH)") \
-C "$@.tmp" . | gzip -9n >> "$@" && \
rm -rf "$@.tmp"
define Build/teltonika-fw-fake-checksum
# Teltonika U-Boot web based firmware upgrade/recovery routine compares
# 16 bytes from md5sum1[16] field in TP-Link v1 header (offset: 76 bytes
# from begin of the firmware file) with 16 bytes stored just before
# 0xdeadc0de marker. Values are only compared, MD5 sum is not verified.
let \
offs="$$(stat -c%s $@) - 20"; \
dd if=$@ bs=1 count=16 skip=76 |\
dd of=$@ bs=1 count=16 seek=$$offs conv=notrunc
define Device/seama
KERNEL := kernel-bin | append-dtb | relocate-kernel | lzma
IMAGES += factory.bin
# 64 bytes offset:
# - 28 bytes seama_header
# - 36 bytes of META data (4-bytes aligned)
IMAGE/default := append-kernel | pad-offset $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) 64 | append-rootfs
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | seama | pad-rootfs | \
append-metadata | check-size
IMAGE/factory.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | pad-rootfs -x 64 | seama | \
seama-seal | check-size
define Device/8dev_carambola2
SOC := ar9331
DEVICE_VENDOR := 8devices
DEVICE_MODEL := Carambola2
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-chipidea2
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
TARGET_DEVICES += 8dev_carambola2
ath79: add support for Bluesocket BSAP1880 board This board was used in dual-band 802.11n enterprise access points, models BSAP-1800v2 and BSAP-1840, introduced in 2010 by Bluesocket, which was acquired by Adtran in 2011, who has now EOL'ed them. They differed only in that the BSAP-1840's antennae were detachable, while the BSAP-1800v2's were inside the case. They have an external RJ-45 console port, which works with standard Cisco 72-3383-01 console cables. Specification: - System-On-Chip: AR7161 - CPU/Speed: 600 MHz - Flash-Chip: Macronix MX25L12845E - Flash size: 16 MiB - RAM: 64 MiB - Wireless No1: Lite-On WN2601A card: AR9160/AR9103 2.4GHz 802.11bgn - Wireless No2: Lite-On WN2502A card: AR9160/AR9106 5GHz 802.11an - PHY: Vitesse VSC8601, Rev. B Installation: 1. Connect to the serial console using a terminal that supports YMODEM at 115200 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit 2. Interrupt the bootloader using its password, which is: r00t 3. Issue the "fis init" command, confirming if prompted 4. Look at the length of the openwrt-ath79-generic-*-squashfs-kernel.bin file, and substitute it below, instead of where I have "LeNgTh" 5. Issue the following command, and upload this file using YMODEM protocol load -r -v -b 0x80060000 -m ymodem 6. Issue the following commands, substituting as mentioned above: fis create -b 0x80060000 -l LeNgTh vmlinux_2 load -r -v -b 0x80100000 -m ymodem 7. Using YMODEM, upload openwrt-ath79-generic-*-squashfs-rootfs.bin 8. Issue the "fis free" command, and for the first range in its response, use a hexadecimal calculator to subtract the start from the end in order to substitute it below, with the leading "0x" to specify it in hexadecimal, instead of where I have "LeNgTh" 9. Issue the following commands, substituting as mentioned above: fis create -b 0x80100000 -l LeNgTh -e 0 -r 0 rootfs reset 10.Wait for the status LED to go solid green Tested-by: Brian Gonyer <bgonyer@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Daniel Gimpelevich <daniel@gimpelevich.san-francisco.ca.us> [fixed obsolete $ARGV in platform_do_upgrade] Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <ynezz@true.cz>
2018-09-01 02:28:35 +00:00
define Device/adtran_bsap1880
SOC := ar7161
ath79: add support for Bluesocket BSAP1880 board This board was used in dual-band 802.11n enterprise access points, models BSAP-1800v2 and BSAP-1840, introduced in 2010 by Bluesocket, which was acquired by Adtran in 2011, who has now EOL'ed them. They differed only in that the BSAP-1840's antennae were detachable, while the BSAP-1800v2's were inside the case. They have an external RJ-45 console port, which works with standard Cisco 72-3383-01 console cables. Specification: - System-On-Chip: AR7161 - CPU/Speed: 600 MHz - Flash-Chip: Macronix MX25L12845E - Flash size: 16 MiB - RAM: 64 MiB - Wireless No1: Lite-On WN2601A card: AR9160/AR9103 2.4GHz 802.11bgn - Wireless No2: Lite-On WN2502A card: AR9160/AR9106 5GHz 802.11an - PHY: Vitesse VSC8601, Rev. B Installation: 1. Connect to the serial console using a terminal that supports YMODEM at 115200 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit 2. Interrupt the bootloader using its password, which is: r00t 3. Issue the "fis init" command, confirming if prompted 4. Look at the length of the openwrt-ath79-generic-*-squashfs-kernel.bin file, and substitute it below, instead of where I have "LeNgTh" 5. Issue the following command, and upload this file using YMODEM protocol load -r -v -b 0x80060000 -m ymodem 6. Issue the following commands, substituting as mentioned above: fis create -b 0x80060000 -l LeNgTh vmlinux_2 load -r -v -b 0x80100000 -m ymodem 7. Using YMODEM, upload openwrt-ath79-generic-*-squashfs-rootfs.bin 8. Issue the "fis free" command, and for the first range in its response, use a hexadecimal calculator to subtract the start from the end in order to substitute it below, with the leading "0x" to specify it in hexadecimal, instead of where I have "LeNgTh" 9. Issue the following commands, substituting as mentioned above: fis create -b 0x80100000 -l LeNgTh -e 0 -r 0 rootfs reset 10.Wait for the status LED to go solid green Tested-by: Brian Gonyer <bgonyer@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Daniel Gimpelevich <daniel@gimpelevich.san-francisco.ca.us> [fixed obsolete $ARGV in platform_do_upgrade] Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <ynezz@true.cz>
2018-09-01 02:28:35 +00:00
DEVICE_VENDOR := Adtran/Bluesocket
DEVICE_PACKAGES += -swconfig -uboot-envtools fconfig
KERNEL := kernel-bin | append-dtb | lzma | pad-to $$(BLOCKSIZE)
ath79: add support for Bluesocket BSAP1880 board This board was used in dual-band 802.11n enterprise access points, models BSAP-1800v2 and BSAP-1840, introduced in 2010 by Bluesocket, which was acquired by Adtran in 2011, who has now EOL'ed them. They differed only in that the BSAP-1840's antennae were detachable, while the BSAP-1800v2's were inside the case. They have an external RJ-45 console port, which works with standard Cisco 72-3383-01 console cables. Specification: - System-On-Chip: AR7161 - CPU/Speed: 600 MHz - Flash-Chip: Macronix MX25L12845E - Flash size: 16 MiB - RAM: 64 MiB - Wireless No1: Lite-On WN2601A card: AR9160/AR9103 2.4GHz 802.11bgn - Wireless No2: Lite-On WN2502A card: AR9160/AR9106 5GHz 802.11an - PHY: Vitesse VSC8601, Rev. B Installation: 1. Connect to the serial console using a terminal that supports YMODEM at 115200 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit 2. Interrupt the bootloader using its password, which is: r00t 3. Issue the "fis init" command, confirming if prompted 4. Look at the length of the openwrt-ath79-generic-*-squashfs-kernel.bin file, and substitute it below, instead of where I have "LeNgTh" 5. Issue the following command, and upload this file using YMODEM protocol load -r -v -b 0x80060000 -m ymodem 6. Issue the following commands, substituting as mentioned above: fis create -b 0x80060000 -l LeNgTh vmlinux_2 load -r -v -b 0x80100000 -m ymodem 7. Using YMODEM, upload openwrt-ath79-generic-*-squashfs-rootfs.bin 8. Issue the "fis free" command, and for the first range in its response, use a hexadecimal calculator to subtract the start from the end in order to substitute it below, with the leading "0x" to specify it in hexadecimal, instead of where I have "LeNgTh" 9. Issue the following commands, substituting as mentioned above: fis create -b 0x80100000 -l LeNgTh -e 0 -r 0 rootfs reset 10.Wait for the status LED to go solid green Tested-by: Brian Gonyer <bgonyer@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Daniel Gimpelevich <daniel@gimpelevich.san-francisco.ca.us> [fixed obsolete $ARGV in platform_do_upgrade] Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <ynezz@true.cz>
2018-09-01 02:28:35 +00:00
KERNEL_INITRAMFS := kernel-bin | append-dtb
IMAGE_SIZE := 11200k
IMAGES += kernel.bin rootfs.bin
IMAGE/kernel.bin := append-kernel
ath79: add support for Bluesocket BSAP1880 board This board was used in dual-band 802.11n enterprise access points, models BSAP-1800v2 and BSAP-1840, introduced in 2010 by Bluesocket, which was acquired by Adtran in 2011, who has now EOL'ed them. They differed only in that the BSAP-1840's antennae were detachable, while the BSAP-1800v2's were inside the case. They have an external RJ-45 console port, which works with standard Cisco 72-3383-01 console cables. Specification: - System-On-Chip: AR7161 - CPU/Speed: 600 MHz - Flash-Chip: Macronix MX25L12845E - Flash size: 16 MiB - RAM: 64 MiB - Wireless No1: Lite-On WN2601A card: AR9160/AR9103 2.4GHz 802.11bgn - Wireless No2: Lite-On WN2502A card: AR9160/AR9106 5GHz 802.11an - PHY: Vitesse VSC8601, Rev. B Installation: 1. Connect to the serial console using a terminal that supports YMODEM at 115200 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit 2. Interrupt the bootloader using its password, which is: r00t 3. Issue the "fis init" command, confirming if prompted 4. Look at the length of the openwrt-ath79-generic-*-squashfs-kernel.bin file, and substitute it below, instead of where I have "LeNgTh" 5. Issue the following command, and upload this file using YMODEM protocol load -r -v -b 0x80060000 -m ymodem 6. Issue the following commands, substituting as mentioned above: fis create -b 0x80060000 -l LeNgTh vmlinux_2 load -r -v -b 0x80100000 -m ymodem 7. Using YMODEM, upload openwrt-ath79-generic-*-squashfs-rootfs.bin 8. Issue the "fis free" command, and for the first range in its response, use a hexadecimal calculator to subtract the start from the end in order to substitute it below, with the leading "0x" to specify it in hexadecimal, instead of where I have "LeNgTh" 9. Issue the following commands, substituting as mentioned above: fis create -b 0x80100000 -l LeNgTh -e 0 -r 0 rootfs reset 10.Wait for the status LED to go solid green Tested-by: Brian Gonyer <bgonyer@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Daniel Gimpelevich <daniel@gimpelevich.san-francisco.ca.us> [fixed obsolete $ARGV in platform_do_upgrade] Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <ynezz@true.cz>
2018-09-01 02:28:35 +00:00
IMAGE/rootfs.bin := append-rootfs | pad-rootfs
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | \
check-size | sysupgrade-tar rootfs=$$$$@ | append-metadata
ath79: add support for Bluesocket BSAP1880 board This board was used in dual-band 802.11n enterprise access points, models BSAP-1800v2 and BSAP-1840, introduced in 2010 by Bluesocket, which was acquired by Adtran in 2011, who has now EOL'ed them. They differed only in that the BSAP-1840's antennae were detachable, while the BSAP-1800v2's were inside the case. They have an external RJ-45 console port, which works with standard Cisco 72-3383-01 console cables. Specification: - System-On-Chip: AR7161 - CPU/Speed: 600 MHz - Flash-Chip: Macronix MX25L12845E - Flash size: 16 MiB - RAM: 64 MiB - Wireless No1: Lite-On WN2601A card: AR9160/AR9103 2.4GHz 802.11bgn - Wireless No2: Lite-On WN2502A card: AR9160/AR9106 5GHz 802.11an - PHY: Vitesse VSC8601, Rev. B Installation: 1. Connect to the serial console using a terminal that supports YMODEM at 115200 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit 2. Interrupt the bootloader using its password, which is: r00t 3. Issue the "fis init" command, confirming if prompted 4. Look at the length of the openwrt-ath79-generic-*-squashfs-kernel.bin file, and substitute it below, instead of where I have "LeNgTh" 5. Issue the following command, and upload this file using YMODEM protocol load -r -v -b 0x80060000 -m ymodem 6. Issue the following commands, substituting as mentioned above: fis create -b 0x80060000 -l LeNgTh vmlinux_2 load -r -v -b 0x80100000 -m ymodem 7. Using YMODEM, upload openwrt-ath79-generic-*-squashfs-rootfs.bin 8. Issue the "fis free" command, and for the first range in its response, use a hexadecimal calculator to subtract the start from the end in order to substitute it below, with the leading "0x" to specify it in hexadecimal, instead of where I have "LeNgTh" 9. Issue the following commands, substituting as mentioned above: fis create -b 0x80100000 -l LeNgTh -e 0 -r 0 rootfs reset 10.Wait for the status LED to go solid green Tested-by: Brian Gonyer <bgonyer@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Daniel Gimpelevich <daniel@gimpelevich.san-francisco.ca.us> [fixed obsolete $ARGV in platform_do_upgrade] Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <ynezz@true.cz>
2018-09-01 02:28:35 +00:00
define Device/adtran_bsap1800-v2
TARGET_DEVICES += adtran_bsap1800-v2
define Device/adtran_bsap1840
TARGET_DEVICES += adtran_bsap1840
define Device/alfa-network_ap121f
SOC := ar9331
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-chipidea2 kmod-usb-storage -swconfig
IMAGE_SIZE := 16064k
TARGET_DEVICES += alfa-network_ap121f
define Device/aruba_ap-105
SOC := ar7161
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-i2c-gpio kmod-tpm-i2c-atmel
TARGET_DEVICES += aruba_ap-105
define Device/avm
KERNEL := kernel-bin | append-dtb | lzma | eva-image
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := append-kernel | pad-to 64k | \
append-squashfs-fakeroot-be | pad-to 256 | append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | \
append-metadata | check-size
DEVICE_PACKAGES := fritz-tffs
define Device/avm_fritz1750e
SOC := qca9556
IMAGE_SIZE := 15232k
DEVICE_PACKAGES += rssileds kmod-ath10k-ct-smallbuffers \
ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct -swconfig
TARGET_DEVICES += avm_fritz1750e
define Device/avm_fritz300e
SOC := ar7242
IMAGE_SIZE := 15232k
DEVICE_PACKAGES += rssileds -swconfig
TARGET_DEVICES += avm_fritz300e
ath79: add support for Fritz!Box 4020 This commit adds support for the AVM Fritz!Box 4020 WiFi-router. SoC: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9561 (Dragonfly) 750MHz RAM: Winbond W971GG6KB-25 FLASH: Macronix MX25L12835F WiFi: QCA9561 b/g/n 3x3 450Mbit/s USB: 1x USB 2.0 IN: WPS button, WiFi button OUT: Power LED green, Internet LED green, WLAN LED green, LAN LED green, INFO LED green, INFO LED red UART: Header Next to Black metal shield Pinout is 3.3V - RX - TX - GND (Square Pad is 3.3V) The Serial setting is 115200-8-N-1. Tested and working: - Ethernet (LAN + WAN) - WiFi (correct MAC) - Installation via EVA bootloader - OpenWRT sysupgrade - Buttons - LEDs The USB port doesn't work. Both Root Hubs are detected as having 0 Ports: [ 3.670807] kmodloader: loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/* [ 3.723267] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs [ 3.729058] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub [ 3.734616] usbcore: registered new device driver usb [ 3.744181] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver [ 3.758357] SCSI subsystem initialized [ 3.766026] ehci-platform: EHCI generic platform driver [ 3.771548] ehci-platform ehci-platform.0: EHCI Host Controller [ 3.777708] ehci-platform ehci-platform.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 [ 3.788169] ehci-platform ehci-platform.0: irq 48, io mem 0x1b000000 [ 3.816647] ehci-platform ehci-platform.0: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 0.00 [ 3.824001] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 3.828219] hub 1-0:1.0: config failed, hub doesn't have any ports! (err -19) [ 3.835825] ehci-platform ehci-platform.1: EHCI Host Controller [ 3.842009] ehci-platform ehci-platform.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2 [ 3.852481] ehci-platform ehci-platform.1: irq 49, io mem 0x1b400000 [ 3.886631] ehci-platform ehci-platform.1: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 0.00 [ 3.894011] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 3.898190] hub 2-0:1.0: config failed, hub doesn't have any ports! (err -19) [ 3.908928] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage [ 3.915634] kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/* A few words about the shift-register: AVM used a trick to control the shift-register for the LEDs with only 2 pins, SERCLK and MOSI. Q7S, normally used for daisy-chaining multiple shift-registers, pulls the latch, moving the shift register-state to the storage register. It also pulls down MR (normally pulled up) to clear the storage register, so the latch gets released and will not be pulled by the remaining bits in the shift-register. Shift register is all-zero after this. For that we need to make sure output 7 is set to high on driver probe. We accomplish this by using gpio-hogging. Installation via EVA: In the first seconds after Power is connected, the bootloader will listen for FTP connections on (Might also be Firmware can be uploaded like following: ftp> quote USER adam2 ftp> quote PASS adam2 ftp> binary ftp> debug ftp> passive ftp> quote MEDIA FLSH ftp> put openwrt-sysupgrade.bin mtd1 Note that this procedure might take up to two minutes. After transfer is complete you need to powercycle the device to boot OpenWRT. Signed-off-by: David Bauer <mail@david-bauer.net>
2018-08-18 16:30:46 +00:00
define Device/avm_fritz4020
SOC := qca9561
ath79: add support for Fritz!Box 4020 This commit adds support for the AVM Fritz!Box 4020 WiFi-router. SoC: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9561 (Dragonfly) 750MHz RAM: Winbond W971GG6KB-25 FLASH: Macronix MX25L12835F WiFi: QCA9561 b/g/n 3x3 450Mbit/s USB: 1x USB 2.0 IN: WPS button, WiFi button OUT: Power LED green, Internet LED green, WLAN LED green, LAN LED green, INFO LED green, INFO LED red UART: Header Next to Black metal shield Pinout is 3.3V - RX - TX - GND (Square Pad is 3.3V) The Serial setting is 115200-8-N-1. Tested and working: - Ethernet (LAN + WAN) - WiFi (correct MAC) - Installation via EVA bootloader - OpenWRT sysupgrade - Buttons - LEDs The USB port doesn't work. Both Root Hubs are detected as having 0 Ports: [ 3.670807] kmodloader: loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/* [ 3.723267] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs [ 3.729058] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub [ 3.734616] usbcore: registered new device driver usb [ 3.744181] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver [ 3.758357] SCSI subsystem initialized [ 3.766026] ehci-platform: EHCI generic platform driver [ 3.771548] ehci-platform ehci-platform.0: EHCI Host Controller [ 3.777708] ehci-platform ehci-platform.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 [ 3.788169] ehci-platform ehci-platform.0: irq 48, io mem 0x1b000000 [ 3.816647] ehci-platform ehci-platform.0: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 0.00 [ 3.824001] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 3.828219] hub 1-0:1.0: config failed, hub doesn't have any ports! (err -19) [ 3.835825] ehci-platform ehci-platform.1: EHCI Host Controller [ 3.842009] ehci-platform ehci-platform.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2 [ 3.852481] ehci-platform ehci-platform.1: irq 49, io mem 0x1b400000 [ 3.886631] ehci-platform ehci-platform.1: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 0.00 [ 3.894011] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 3.898190] hub 2-0:1.0: config failed, hub doesn't have any ports! (err -19) [ 3.908928] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage [ 3.915634] kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/* A few words about the shift-register: AVM used a trick to control the shift-register for the LEDs with only 2 pins, SERCLK and MOSI. Q7S, normally used for daisy-chaining multiple shift-registers, pulls the latch, moving the shift register-state to the storage register. It also pulls down MR (normally pulled up) to clear the storage register, so the latch gets released and will not be pulled by the remaining bits in the shift-register. Shift register is all-zero after this. For that we need to make sure output 7 is set to high on driver probe. We accomplish this by using gpio-hogging. Installation via EVA: In the first seconds after Power is connected, the bootloader will listen for FTP connections on (Might also be Firmware can be uploaded like following: ftp> quote USER adam2 ftp> quote PASS adam2 ftp> binary ftp> debug ftp> passive ftp> quote MEDIA FLSH ftp> put openwrt-sysupgrade.bin mtd1 Note that this procedure might take up to two minutes. After transfer is complete you need to powercycle the device to boot OpenWRT. Signed-off-by: David Bauer <mail@david-bauer.net>
2018-08-18 16:30:46 +00:00
IMAGE_SIZE := 15232k
ath79: add support for Fritz!Box 4020 This commit adds support for the AVM Fritz!Box 4020 WiFi-router. SoC: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9561 (Dragonfly) 750MHz RAM: Winbond W971GG6KB-25 FLASH: Macronix MX25L12835F WiFi: QCA9561 b/g/n 3x3 450Mbit/s USB: 1x USB 2.0 IN: WPS button, WiFi button OUT: Power LED green, Internet LED green, WLAN LED green, LAN LED green, INFO LED green, INFO LED red UART: Header Next to Black metal shield Pinout is 3.3V - RX - TX - GND (Square Pad is 3.3V) The Serial setting is 115200-8-N-1. Tested and working: - Ethernet (LAN + WAN) - WiFi (correct MAC) - Installation via EVA bootloader - OpenWRT sysupgrade - Buttons - LEDs The USB port doesn't work. Both Root Hubs are detected as having 0 Ports: [ 3.670807] kmodloader: loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/* [ 3.723267] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs [ 3.729058] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub [ 3.734616] usbcore: registered new device driver usb [ 3.744181] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver [ 3.758357] SCSI subsystem initialized [ 3.766026] ehci-platform: EHCI generic platform driver [ 3.771548] ehci-platform ehci-platform.0: EHCI Host Controller [ 3.777708] ehci-platform ehci-platform.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1 [ 3.788169] ehci-platform ehci-platform.0: irq 48, io mem 0x1b000000 [ 3.816647] ehci-platform ehci-platform.0: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 0.00 [ 3.824001] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 3.828219] hub 1-0:1.0: config failed, hub doesn't have any ports! (err -19) [ 3.835825] ehci-platform ehci-platform.1: EHCI Host Controller [ 3.842009] ehci-platform ehci-platform.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2 [ 3.852481] ehci-platform ehci-platform.1: irq 49, io mem 0x1b400000 [ 3.886631] ehci-platform ehci-platform.1: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 0.00 [ 3.894011] hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found [ 3.898190] hub 2-0:1.0: config failed, hub doesn't have any ports! (err -19) [ 3.908928] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage [ 3.915634] kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/* A few words about the shift-register: AVM used a trick to control the shift-register for the LEDs with only 2 pins, SERCLK and MOSI. Q7S, normally used for daisy-chaining multiple shift-registers, pulls the latch, moving the shift register-state to the storage register. It also pulls down MR (normally pulled up) to clear the storage register, so the latch gets released and will not be pulled by the remaining bits in the shift-register. Shift register is all-zero after this. For that we need to make sure output 7 is set to high on driver probe. We accomplish this by using gpio-hogging. Installation via EVA: In the first seconds after Power is connected, the bootloader will listen for FTP connections on (Might also be Firmware can be uploaded like following: ftp> quote USER adam2 ftp> quote PASS adam2 ftp> binary ftp> debug ftp> passive ftp> quote MEDIA FLSH ftp> put openwrt-sysupgrade.bin mtd1 Note that this procedure might take up to two minutes. After transfer is complete you need to powercycle the device to boot OpenWRT. Signed-off-by: David Bauer <mail@david-bauer.net>
2018-08-18 16:30:46 +00:00
TARGET_DEVICES += avm_fritz4020
define Device/avm_fritz450e
SOC := qca9556
IMAGE_SIZE := 15232k
TARGET_DEVICES += avm_fritz450e
define Device/buffalo_bhr-4grv
SOC := ar7242
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport
IMAGE_SIZE := 32256k
IMAGES += factory.bin tftp.bin
IMAGE/default := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | append-rootfs | \
pad-rootfs | check-size
IMAGE/factory.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | buffalo-enc BHR-4GRV 1.99 | \
buffalo-tag BHR-4GRV 3
IMAGE/tftp.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | buffalo-tftp-header
SUPPORTED_DEVICES += wzr-hp-g450h
TARGET_DEVICES += buffalo_bhr-4grv
ath79: modify mtd partitions for Buffalo BHR-4GRV2 This commit modifies mtd partitions define for Buffalo BHR-4GRV2 and move it to generic subtarget. In Buffalo BHR-4GRV2, "kernel" partition is located behined "rootfs" partition in the stock firmware. This causes the size of the kernel to be limited by the fixed value. 0x50000 0xe80000 0xff0000 +-------------------------------+--------------+ | rootfs | kernel | | (14528k) | (1472k) | +-------------------------------+--------------+ After ar71xx was updated to Kernel 4.14, the kernel size of BHR-4GRV2 exceeded the limit, and it breaks builds on official buildbot. Since this issue was also confirmed in ath79, I modified the mtd partitions to get rid of that limitation. 0x50000 0xff0000 +----------------------------------------------+ | firmware | | (16000k) | +----------------------------------------------+ However, this commit breaks compatibility with ar71xx firmware, so I dropped "SUPPORTED_DEVICES += bhr-4grv2". This commit requires new flash instruction instead of the old one. Flash instruction using initramfs image: 1. Connect the computer to the LAN port of BHR-4GRV2 2. Set the IP address of the computer to 3. Rename the OpenWrt initramfs image to "bhr4grv2-uImage-initramfs-gzip.bin" and place it into the TFTP directory 4. Start the tftp server on the computer 5. While holding down the "ECO" button, connect power cable to BHR-4GRV2 and turn on it 6. Flashing (orange) diag LED and release the finger from the button, BHR-4GRV2 downloads the intiramfs image from TFTP server and boot with it 7. On the initramfs image, create "/etc/fw_env.config" file with following contents /dev/mtd1 0x0 0x10000 0x10000 8. Execute following commands to add environment variables for u-boot fw_setenv ipaddr fw_setenv serverip fw_setenv ethaddr 00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee fw_setenv bootcmd "bootm 0x9f050000 || bootm 0x9fe80000" 9. Perform sysupgrade with squashfs-sysupgrade image 10. Wait ~150 seconds to complete flashing And this commit includes small fix; BHR-4GRV2 has QCA9557 as a SoC, not QCA9558. Signed-off-by: INAGAKI Hiroshi <musashino.open@gmail.com>
2018-11-06 13:37:43 +00:00
define Device/buffalo_bhr-4grv2
SOC := qca9557
ath79: modify mtd partitions for Buffalo BHR-4GRV2 This commit modifies mtd partitions define for Buffalo BHR-4GRV2 and move it to generic subtarget. In Buffalo BHR-4GRV2, "kernel" partition is located behined "rootfs" partition in the stock firmware. This causes the size of the kernel to be limited by the fixed value. 0x50000 0xe80000 0xff0000 +-------------------------------+--------------+ | rootfs | kernel | | (14528k) | (1472k) | +-------------------------------+--------------+ After ar71xx was updated to Kernel 4.14, the kernel size of BHR-4GRV2 exceeded the limit, and it breaks builds on official buildbot. Since this issue was also confirmed in ath79, I modified the mtd partitions to get rid of that limitation. 0x50000 0xff0000 +----------------------------------------------+ | firmware | | (16000k) | +----------------------------------------------+ However, this commit breaks compatibility with ar71xx firmware, so I dropped "SUPPORTED_DEVICES += bhr-4grv2". This commit requires new flash instruction instead of the old one. Flash instruction using initramfs image: 1. Connect the computer to the LAN port of BHR-4GRV2 2. Set the IP address of the computer to 3. Rename the OpenWrt initramfs image to "bhr4grv2-uImage-initramfs-gzip.bin" and place it into the TFTP directory 4. Start the tftp server on the computer 5. While holding down the "ECO" button, connect power cable to BHR-4GRV2 and turn on it 6. Flashing (orange) diag LED and release the finger from the button, BHR-4GRV2 downloads the intiramfs image from TFTP server and boot with it 7. On the initramfs image, create "/etc/fw_env.config" file with following contents /dev/mtd1 0x0 0x10000 0x10000 8. Execute following commands to add environment variables for u-boot fw_setenv ipaddr fw_setenv serverip fw_setenv ethaddr 00:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee fw_setenv bootcmd "bootm 0x9f050000 || bootm 0x9fe80000" 9. Perform sysupgrade with squashfs-sysupgrade image 10. Wait ~150 seconds to complete flashing And this commit includes small fix; BHR-4GRV2 has QCA9557 as a SoC, not QCA9558. Signed-off-by: INAGAKI Hiroshi <musashino.open@gmail.com>
2018-11-06 13:37:43 +00:00
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
TARGET_DEVICES += buffalo_bhr-4grv2
ath79: add support for Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H is a dual band router based on Qualcom Atheros AR7161 rev 2 Specification: - 680 MHz CPU (Qualcomm Atheros AR7161) - 128 MiB RAM (2x Samsung K4H511638G-LCCC) - 32 MiB Flash (2x Winbond 25Q128BVFG) - WiFi 5 GHz a/n (Atheros AR9220) - WiFi 2.4 GHz b/g/n (Atheros AR9223) - 1000Base-T WAN (Atheros AR7161) - 4x 1000Base-T Switch (Atheros AR8316) - 1x USB 2.0 - 3 Buttons (AOSS/WPS, Reset, USB Eject) - 2 Slide switches (Router (on/off/auto), Movie Engine (on/off)) - 9 LEDs (Power green, WLAN 2GHz green, WLAN 2GHz amber, WLAN 5GHz green, WLAN 5GHz LED amber, Router green, Diag red, Movie Engine blue, USB green) It is already supported by the ar71xx target. For more information on the device visit the wiki: <https://openwrt.org/toh/buffalo/wzr-hp-ag300h> Serial console: - The UART Header is next to Movie Engine Switch. - Pinout is RX - TX - GND - 3.3V (Square Pad is 3.3V) - The Serial setting is 115200-8-N-1. Installation of OpenWRT from vendor firmware: - Connect to the Web-interface at - Go to “Administration” → “Firmware Upgrade” - Upload the OpenWrt factory image Tested: - Ethernet (LAN, WAN) - WiFi - Installation - via TFTP rescue - via factory image - on firmware v1.77 (28-05-2012) - on pro firmware v24SP2 r30356 (26-03-2018) - via sysupgrade from ar71xx (wlan devices don't work because of new names) - via sysupgrade from itself - Buttons - LEDS - USB (Power control and device recognition) Signed-off-by: Bernhard Frauendienst <openwrt@nospam.obeliks.de>
2018-08-18 16:28:02 +00:00
define Device/buffalo_wzr-hp-ag300h
SOC := ar7161
IMAGE_SIZE := 32320k
ath79: add support for Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H is a dual band router based on Qualcom Atheros AR7161 rev 2 Specification: - 680 MHz CPU (Qualcomm Atheros AR7161) - 128 MiB RAM (2x Samsung K4H511638G-LCCC) - 32 MiB Flash (2x Winbond 25Q128BVFG) - WiFi 5 GHz a/n (Atheros AR9220) - WiFi 2.4 GHz b/g/n (Atheros AR9223) - 1000Base-T WAN (Atheros AR7161) - 4x 1000Base-T Switch (Atheros AR8316) - 1x USB 2.0 - 3 Buttons (AOSS/WPS, Reset, USB Eject) - 2 Slide switches (Router (on/off/auto), Movie Engine (on/off)) - 9 LEDs (Power green, WLAN 2GHz green, WLAN 2GHz amber, WLAN 5GHz green, WLAN 5GHz LED amber, Router green, Diag red, Movie Engine blue, USB green) It is already supported by the ar71xx target. For more information on the device visit the wiki: <https://openwrt.org/toh/buffalo/wzr-hp-ag300h> Serial console: - The UART Header is next to Movie Engine Switch. - Pinout is RX - TX - GND - 3.3V (Square Pad is 3.3V) - The Serial setting is 115200-8-N-1. Installation of OpenWRT from vendor firmware: - Connect to the Web-interface at - Go to “Administration” → “Firmware Upgrade” - Upload the OpenWrt factory image Tested: - Ethernet (LAN, WAN) - WiFi - Installation - via TFTP rescue - via factory image - on firmware v1.77 (28-05-2012) - on pro firmware v24SP2 r30356 (26-03-2018) - via sysupgrade from ar71xx (wlan devices don't work because of new names) - via sysupgrade from itself - Buttons - LEDS - USB (Power control and device recognition) Signed-off-by: Bernhard Frauendienst <openwrt@nospam.obeliks.de>
2018-08-18 16:28:02 +00:00
IMAGES += factory.bin tftp.bin
IMAGE/default := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | append-rootfs | \
pad-rootfs | check-size
IMAGE/factory.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | buffalo-enc WZR-HP-AG300H 1.99 | \
buffalo-tag WZR-HP-AG300H 3
ath79: add support for Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H is a dual band router based on Qualcom Atheros AR7161 rev 2 Specification: - 680 MHz CPU (Qualcomm Atheros AR7161) - 128 MiB RAM (2x Samsung K4H511638G-LCCC) - 32 MiB Flash (2x Winbond 25Q128BVFG) - WiFi 5 GHz a/n (Atheros AR9220) - WiFi 2.4 GHz b/g/n (Atheros AR9223) - 1000Base-T WAN (Atheros AR7161) - 4x 1000Base-T Switch (Atheros AR8316) - 1x USB 2.0 - 3 Buttons (AOSS/WPS, Reset, USB Eject) - 2 Slide switches (Router (on/off/auto), Movie Engine (on/off)) - 9 LEDs (Power green, WLAN 2GHz green, WLAN 2GHz amber, WLAN 5GHz green, WLAN 5GHz LED amber, Router green, Diag red, Movie Engine blue, USB green) It is already supported by the ar71xx target. For more information on the device visit the wiki: <https://openwrt.org/toh/buffalo/wzr-hp-ag300h> Serial console: - The UART Header is next to Movie Engine Switch. - Pinout is RX - TX - GND - 3.3V (Square Pad is 3.3V) - The Serial setting is 115200-8-N-1. Installation of OpenWRT from vendor firmware: - Connect to the Web-interface at - Go to “Administration” → “Firmware Upgrade” - Upload the OpenWrt factory image Tested: - Ethernet (LAN, WAN) - WiFi - Installation - via TFTP rescue - via factory image - on firmware v1.77 (28-05-2012) - on pro firmware v24SP2 r30356 (26-03-2018) - via sysupgrade from ar71xx (wlan devices don't work because of new names) - via sysupgrade from itself - Buttons - LEDS - USB (Power control and device recognition) Signed-off-by: Bernhard Frauendienst <openwrt@nospam.obeliks.de>
2018-08-18 16:28:02 +00:00
IMAGE/tftp.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | buffalo-tftp-header
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb-ohci kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport \
kmod-leds-reset kmod-owl-loader
ath79: add support for Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H is a dual band router based on Qualcom Atheros AR7161 rev 2 Specification: - 680 MHz CPU (Qualcomm Atheros AR7161) - 128 MiB RAM (2x Samsung K4H511638G-LCCC) - 32 MiB Flash (2x Winbond 25Q128BVFG) - WiFi 5 GHz a/n (Atheros AR9220) - WiFi 2.4 GHz b/g/n (Atheros AR9223) - 1000Base-T WAN (Atheros AR7161) - 4x 1000Base-T Switch (Atheros AR8316) - 1x USB 2.0 - 3 Buttons (AOSS/WPS, Reset, USB Eject) - 2 Slide switches (Router (on/off/auto), Movie Engine (on/off)) - 9 LEDs (Power green, WLAN 2GHz green, WLAN 2GHz amber, WLAN 5GHz green, WLAN 5GHz LED amber, Router green, Diag red, Movie Engine blue, USB green) It is already supported by the ar71xx target. For more information on the device visit the wiki: <https://openwrt.org/toh/buffalo/wzr-hp-ag300h> Serial console: - The UART Header is next to Movie Engine Switch. - Pinout is RX - TX - GND - 3.3V (Square Pad is 3.3V) - The Serial setting is 115200-8-N-1. Installation of OpenWRT from vendor firmware: - Connect to the Web-interface at - Go to “Administration” → “Firmware Upgrade” - Upload the OpenWrt factory image Tested: - Ethernet (LAN, WAN) - WiFi - Installation - via TFTP rescue - via factory image - on firmware v1.77 (28-05-2012) - on pro firmware v24SP2 r30356 (26-03-2018) - via sysupgrade from ar71xx (wlan devices don't work because of new names) - via sysupgrade from itself - Buttons - LEDS - USB (Power control and device recognition) Signed-off-by: Bernhard Frauendienst <openwrt@nospam.obeliks.de>
2018-08-18 16:28:02 +00:00
SUPPORTED_DEVICES += wzr-hp-ag300h
TARGET_DEVICES += buffalo_wzr-hp-ag300h
define Device/buffalo_wzr-hp-g302h-a1a0
SOC := ar7242
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport
IMAGE_SIZE := 32128k
IMAGES += factory.bin tftp.bin
IMAGE/default := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | append-rootfs | \
pad-rootfs | check-size
IMAGE/factory.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | buffalo-enc WZR-HP-G302H 1.99 | \
buffalo-tag WZR-HP-G302H 4
IMAGE/tftp.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | buffalo-tftp-header
SUPPORTED_DEVICES += wzr-hp-g300nh2
TARGET_DEVICES += buffalo_wzr-hp-g302h-a1a0
define Device/buffalo_wzr-hp-g450h
SOC := ar7242
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport
IMAGE_SIZE := 32256k
IMAGES += factory.bin tftp.bin
IMAGE/default := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | append-rootfs | \
pad-rootfs | check-size
IMAGE/factory.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | buffalo-enc WZR-HP-G450H 1.99 | \
buffalo-tag WZR-HP-G450H 3
IMAGE/tftp.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | buffalo-tftp-header
SUPPORTED_DEVICES += wzr-hp-g450h
TARGET_DEVICES += buffalo_wzr-hp-g450h
ath79: add support for COMFAST CF-E110N This patch adds support for the COMFAST CF-E110N, an outdoor wireless CPE with two Ethernet ports and a 802.11bgn radio. Specifications: - 650/400/216 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB) - 2x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet, both with PoE-in support - 64 MB of RAM (DDR2) - 16 MB of FLASH - 2T2R 2.4 GHz, up to 26 dBm - 11 dBi built-in antenna - POWER/LAN/WAN/WLAN green LEDs - 4x RSSI LEDs (2x red, 2x green) - UART (115200 8N1) and GPIO (J9) headers on PCB Flashing instructions: The original firmware is based on OpenWrt so a sysupgrade image can be installed via the stock web GUI. Settings from the original firmware will be saved and restored on the new want, so a factory reset will be needed: once the new firmware is flashed, perform the factory reset by pushing the reset button several times during the boot process, while the WAN LED flashes, until it starts flashing quicker. The U-boot bootloader contains a recovery HTTP server to upload the firmware. Push the reset button while powering the device on and keep it pressed for >10 seconds. The recovery page will be at Notes: The device is advertised, sold and labeled as "CF-E110N", but the bootloader and the stock firmware identify it as "v2". Acknowledgments: Petr Štetiar <ynezz@true.cz> Sebastian Kemper <sebastian_ml@gmx.net> Chuanhong Guo <gch981213@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Roger Pueyo Centelles <roger.pueyo@guifi.net> [drop unused labels from devicetree source file] Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <dev@kresin.me>
2018-12-10 14:44:56 +00:00
define Device/comfast_cf-e110n-v2
SOC := qca9533
ath79: add support for COMFAST CF-E110N This patch adds support for the COMFAST CF-E110N, an outdoor wireless CPE with two Ethernet ports and a 802.11bgn radio. Specifications: - 650/400/216 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB) - 2x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet, both with PoE-in support - 64 MB of RAM (DDR2) - 16 MB of FLASH - 2T2R 2.4 GHz, up to 26 dBm - 11 dBi built-in antenna - POWER/LAN/WAN/WLAN green LEDs - 4x RSSI LEDs (2x red, 2x green) - UART (115200 8N1) and GPIO (J9) headers on PCB Flashing instructions: The original firmware is based on OpenWrt so a sysupgrade image can be installed via the stock web GUI. Settings from the original firmware will be saved and restored on the new want, so a factory reset will be needed: once the new firmware is flashed, perform the factory reset by pushing the reset button several times during the boot process, while the WAN LED flashes, until it starts flashing quicker. The U-boot bootloader contains a recovery HTTP server to upload the firmware. Push the reset button while powering the device on and keep it pressed for >10 seconds. The recovery page will be at Notes: The device is advertised, sold and labeled as "CF-E110N", but the bootloader and the stock firmware identify it as "v2". Acknowledgments: Petr Štetiar <ynezz@true.cz> Sebastian Kemper <sebastian_ml@gmx.net> Chuanhong Guo <gch981213@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Roger Pueyo Centelles <roger.pueyo@guifi.net> [drop unused labels from devicetree source file] Signed-off-by: Mathias Kresin <dev@kresin.me>
2018-12-10 14:44:56 +00:00
DEVICE_PACKAGES := rssileds kmod-leds-gpio -swconfig -uboot-envtools
IMAGE_SIZE := 16192k
TARGET_DEVICES += comfast_cf-e110n-v2
define Device/comfast_cf-e120a-v3
SOC := ar9344
DEVICE_PACKAGES := rssileds kmod-leds-gpio -uboot-envtools
IMAGE_SIZE := 8000k
TARGET_DEVICES += comfast_cf-e120a-v3
ath79: add support for COMFAST CF-E313AC This patch adds support for the COMFAST CF-E313AC, an outdoor wireless CPE with two Ethernet ports and a 802.11ac radio. Specifications: - QCA9531 SoC - 650/400/216 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB) - 1x 10/100 Mbps WAN Ethernet, 48V PoE-in - 1x 10/100 Mbps LAN Ethernet, pass-through 48V PoE-out - 1x manual pass-through PoE switch - 64 MB RAM (DDR2) - 16 MB FLASH - QCA9886 2T2R 5 GHz 802.11ac, 23 dBm - 12 dBi built-in antenna - POWER/LAN/WAN/WLAN green LEDs - 4x RSSI LEDs (2x red, 2x green) - UART (115200 8N1) Flashing instructions: The original firmware is based on OpenWrt so a sysupgrade image can be installed via the stock web GUI. Settings from the original firmware will be saved and restored on the new one, so a factory reset will be needed. To do so, once the new firmware is flashed, enter into failsafe mode by pressing the reset button several times during the boot process, while the WAN LED flashes, until it starts flashing faster. Once in failsafe mode, perform a factory reset as usual. Alternatively, the U-boot bootloader contains a recovery HTTP server to upload the firmware. Push the reset button while powering the device on and keep it pressed for >10 seconds. The device's LEDs will blink several times and the recovery page will be at; use it to upload the sysupgrade image. Note: Four MAC addresses are stored in the "art" partition (read-only): - 0x0000: 40:A5:EF:AA:AA:A0 - 0x0006: 40:A5:EF:AA:AA:A2 - 0x1002: 40:A5:EF:AA:AA:A1 - 0x5006: 40:A5:EF:AA.AA:A3 (inside the 5 GHz calibration data) The stock firmware assigns MAC addresses to physical and virtual interfaces in a very particular way: - eth0 corresponds to the physical Ethernet port labeled as WAN - eth1 corresponds to the physical Ethernet port labeled as LAN - eth0 belongs to the bridge interface br-wan - eth1 belongs to the bridge interface br-lan - eth0 is assigned the MAC from 0x0 (*:A0) - eth1 is assigned the MAC from 0x1002 (*:A1) - br-wan is forced to use the MAC from 0x1002 (*:A1) - br-lan is forced to use the MAC from 0x0 (*:A0) - radio0 uses the calibration data from 0x5000 (which contains a valid MAC address, *:A3). However, it is overwritten by the one at 0x6 (*:A2) This commit preserves the LAN/WAN roles of the physical Ethernet ports (as labeled on the router) and the MAC addresses they expose by default (i.e., *:A0 on LAN, *:A1 on WAN), but swaps the position of the eth0/eth1 compared to the stock firmware: - eth0 corresponds to the physical Ethernet port labeled as LAN - eth1 corresponds to the physical Ethernet port labeled as WAN - eth0 belongs to the bridge interface br-lan - eth1 is the interface at @wan - eth0 is assigned the MAC from 0x0 (*:A0) - eth1 is assigned the MAC from 0x1002 (*:A1) - br-lan inherits the MAC from eth0 (*:A0) - @wan inherits the MAC from eth1 (*:A1) - radio0's MAC is overwritten to the one at 0x6 This way, eth0/eth1's positions differ from the stock firmware, but the weird MAC ressignations in br-lan/br-wan are avoided while the external behaviour of the router is maintained. Additionally, WAN port is connected to the PHY gmac, allowing to monitor the link status (e.g., to restart DHCP negotiation when plugging a cable). Signed-off-by: Roger Pueyo Centelles <roger.pueyo@guifi.net>
2019-03-18 12:20:47 +00:00
define Device/comfast_cf-e313ac
SOC := qca9531
ath79: add support for COMFAST CF-E313AC This patch adds support for the COMFAST CF-E313AC, an outdoor wireless CPE with two Ethernet ports and a 802.11ac radio. Specifications: - QCA9531 SoC - 650/400/216 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB) - 1x 10/100 Mbps WAN Ethernet, 48V PoE-in - 1x 10/100 Mbps LAN Ethernet, pass-through 48V PoE-out - 1x manual pass-through PoE switch - 64 MB RAM (DDR2) - 16 MB FLASH - QCA9886 2T2R 5 GHz 802.11ac, 23 dBm - 12 dBi built-in antenna - POWER/LAN/WAN/WLAN green LEDs - 4x RSSI LEDs (2x red, 2x green) - UART (115200 8N1) Flashing instructions: The original firmware is based on OpenWrt so a sysupgrade image can be installed via the stock web GUI. Settings from the original firmware will be saved and restored on the new one, so a factory reset will be needed. To do so, once the new firmware is flashed, enter into failsafe mode by pressing the reset button several times during the boot process, while the WAN LED flashes, until it starts flashing faster. Once in failsafe mode, perform a factory reset as usual. Alternatively, the U-boot bootloader contains a recovery HTTP server to upload the firmware. Push the reset button while powering the device on and keep it pressed for >10 seconds. The device's LEDs will blink several times and the recovery page will be at; use it to upload the sysupgrade image. Note: Four MAC addresses are stored in the "art" partition (read-only): - 0x0000: 40:A5:EF:AA:AA:A0 - 0x0006: 40:A5:EF:AA:AA:A2 - 0x1002: 40:A5:EF:AA:AA:A1 - 0x5006: 40:A5:EF:AA.AA:A3 (inside the 5 GHz calibration data) The stock firmware assigns MAC addresses to physical and virtual interfaces in a very particular way: - eth0 corresponds to the physical Ethernet port labeled as WAN - eth1 corresponds to the physical Ethernet port labeled as LAN - eth0 belongs to the bridge interface br-wan - eth1 belongs to the bridge interface br-lan - eth0 is assigned the MAC from 0x0 (*:A0) - eth1 is assigned the MAC from 0x1002 (*:A1) - br-wan is forced to use the MAC from 0x1002 (*:A1) - br-lan is forced to use the MAC from 0x0 (*:A0) - radio0 uses the calibration data from 0x5000 (which contains a valid MAC address, *:A3). However, it is overwritten by the one at 0x6 (*:A2) This commit preserves the LAN/WAN roles of the physical Ethernet ports (as labeled on the router) and the MAC addresses they expose by default (i.e., *:A0 on LAN, *:A1 on WAN), but swaps the position of the eth0/eth1 compared to the stock firmware: - eth0 corresponds to the physical Ethernet port labeled as LAN - eth1 corresponds to the physical Ethernet port labeled as WAN - eth0 belongs to the bridge interface br-lan - eth1 is the interface at @wan - eth0 is assigned the MAC from 0x0 (*:A0) - eth1 is assigned the MAC from 0x1002 (*:A1) - br-lan inherits the MAC from eth0 (*:A0) - @wan inherits the MAC from eth1 (*:A1) - radio0's MAC is overwritten to the one at 0x6 This way, eth0/eth1's positions differ from the stock firmware, but the weird MAC ressignations in br-lan/br-wan are avoided while the external behaviour of the router is maintained. Additionally, WAN port is connected to the PHY gmac, allowing to monitor the link status (e.g., to restart DHCP negotiation when plugging a cable). Signed-off-by: Roger Pueyo Centelles <roger.pueyo@guifi.net>
2019-03-18 12:20:47 +00:00
DEVICE_PACKAGES := rssileds kmod-leds-gpio kmod-ath10k-ct-smallbuffers \
ath10k-firmware-qca9888-ct -swconfig -uboot-envtools
ath79: add support for COMFAST CF-E313AC This patch adds support for the COMFAST CF-E313AC, an outdoor wireless CPE with two Ethernet ports and a 802.11ac radio. Specifications: - QCA9531 SoC - 650/400/216 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB) - 1x 10/100 Mbps WAN Ethernet, 48V PoE-in - 1x 10/100 Mbps LAN Ethernet, pass-through 48V PoE-out - 1x manual pass-through PoE switch - 64 MB RAM (DDR2) - 16 MB FLASH - QCA9886 2T2R 5 GHz 802.11ac, 23 dBm - 12 dBi built-in antenna - POWER/LAN/WAN/WLAN green LEDs - 4x RSSI LEDs (2x red, 2x green) - UART (115200 8N1) Flashing instructions: The original firmware is based on OpenWrt so a sysupgrade image can be installed via the stock web GUI. Settings from the original firmware will be saved and restored on the new one, so a factory reset will be needed. To do so, once the new firmware is flashed, enter into failsafe mode by pressing the reset button several times during the boot process, while the WAN LED flashes, until it starts flashing faster. Once in failsafe mode, perform a factory reset as usual. Alternatively, the U-boot bootloader contains a recovery HTTP server to upload the firmware. Push the reset button while powering the device on and keep it pressed for >10 seconds. The device's LEDs will blink several times and the recovery page will be at; use it to upload the sysupgrade image. Note: Four MAC addresses are stored in the "art" partition (read-only): - 0x0000: 40:A5:EF:AA:AA:A0 - 0x0006: 40:A5:EF:AA:AA:A2 - 0x1002: 40:A5:EF:AA:AA:A1 - 0x5006: 40:A5:EF:AA.AA:A3 (inside the 5 GHz calibration data) The stock firmware assigns MAC addresses to physical and virtual interfaces in a very particular way: - eth0 corresponds to the physical Ethernet port labeled as WAN - eth1 corresponds to the physical Ethernet port labeled as LAN - eth0 belongs to the bridge interface br-wan - eth1 belongs to the bridge interface br-lan - eth0 is assigned the MAC from 0x0 (*:A0) - eth1 is assigned the MAC from 0x1002 (*:A1) - br-wan is forced to use the MAC from 0x1002 (*:A1) - br-lan is forced to use the MAC from 0x0 (*:A0) - radio0 uses the calibration data from 0x5000 (which contains a valid MAC address, *:A3). However, it is overwritten by the one at 0x6 (*:A2) This commit preserves the LAN/WAN roles of the physical Ethernet ports (as labeled on the router) and the MAC addresses they expose by default (i.e., *:A0 on LAN, *:A1 on WAN), but swaps the position of the eth0/eth1 compared to the stock firmware: - eth0 corresponds to the physical Ethernet port labeled as LAN - eth1 corresponds to the physical Ethernet port labeled as WAN - eth0 belongs to the bridge interface br-lan - eth1 is the interface at @wan - eth0 is assigned the MAC from 0x0 (*:A0) - eth1 is assigned the MAC from 0x1002 (*:A1) - br-lan inherits the MAC from eth0 (*:A0) - @wan inherits the MAC from eth1 (*:A1) - radio0's MAC is overwritten to the one at 0x6 This way, eth0/eth1's positions differ from the stock firmware, but the weird MAC ressignations in br-lan/br-wan are avoided while the external behaviour of the router is maintained. Additionally, WAN port is connected to the PHY gmac, allowing to monitor the link status (e.g., to restart DHCP negotiation when plugging a cable). Signed-off-by: Roger Pueyo Centelles <roger.pueyo@guifi.net>
2019-03-18 12:20:47 +00:00
IMAGE_SIZE := 7936k
TARGET_DEVICES += comfast_cf-e313ac
define Device/comfast_cf-e314n-v2
SOC := qca9531
IMAGE_SIZE := 7936k
TARGET_DEVICES += comfast_cf-e314n-v2
define Device/comfast_cf-e5
SOC := qca9531
DEVICE_PACKAGES := rssileds kmod-leds-gpio kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-net \
kmod-usb-net-qmi-wwan -swconfig -uboot-envtools
IMAGE_SIZE := 16192k
TARGET_DEVICES += comfast_cf-e5
ath79: add support for COMFAST CF-E560AC This commit adds support for the COMFAST CF-E560AC, an ap143 based in-wall access point. Specifications: - SoC: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9531 - RAM: 128 MB DDR2 (Winbond W971GG6SB-25) - Storage: 16 MB NOR (Winbond 25Q128JVSO) - WAN: 1x 10/100 PoE ethernet (48v) - LAN: 4x 10/100 ethernet - WLAN1: QCA9531 - 802.11b/g/n - 2x SKY85303-21 FEM - WLAN2: QCA9886 - 802.11ac/n/a - 2x SKY85735-11 FEM - USB: one external USB2.0 port - UART: 3.3v, 2.54mm headers already populated on board - LED: 7x external - Button: 1x external - Boot: U-Boot 1.1.4 (pepe2k/u-boot_mod) MAC addressing: - stock LAN *:40 (label) WAN *:41 5G *:42 2.4G *:4a - flash (art partition) 0x0 *:40 (label) 0x6 *:42 0x1002 *:41 0x5006 *:43 This device contains valid MAC addresses in art 0x0, 0x6, 0x1002 and 0x5006, however the vendor firmware only reads from art:0x0 for the LAN interface and then increments in 02_network. They also jump 8 addresses for the second wifi interface (2.4 GHz). This behavior has been duplicated in the DTS and ath10k hotplug to align addresses with the vendor firmware v2.6.0. Recovery instructions: This device contains built-in u-boot tftp recovery. 1. Configure PC with static IP and tftp server. 2. Place desired image at /firmware_auto.bin at tftp root. 3. Connect device to PC, and power on. 4. Device will fetch flash from tftp, flash and reboot into new image. Signed-off-by: August Huber <auh@google.com> [move jtag_disable_pins, remove unnecessary statuses in DTS, remove duplicate entry in 11-ath10k-caldata, remove hub_port0 label in DTS] Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <freifunk@adrianschmutzler.de>
2020-01-26 16:55:11 +00:00
define Device/comfast_cf-e560ac
SOC := qca9531
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-leds-gpio kmod-usb2 kmod-ath10k-ct \
IMAGE_SIZE := 16128k
TARGET_DEVICES += comfast_cf-e560ac
define Device/comfast_cf-ew72
SOC := qca9531
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca9888-ct \
-uboot-envtools -swconfig
IMAGE_SIZE := 16192k
TARGET_DEVICES += comfast_cf-ew72
define Device/comfast_cf-wr650ac-v1
SOC := qca9558
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 16128k
TARGET_DEVICES += comfast_cf-wr650ac-v1
define Device/comfast_cf-wr650ac-v2
SOC := qca9558
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
TARGET_DEVICES += comfast_cf-wr650ac-v2
ath79: add support for Comfast CF-WR752AC v1 Specifications: - Qualcomm QCA9531 + QCA9886 - dual band, antenna 2*3dBi - Output power 50mW (17dBm) - 1x 10/100 Mbps LAN RJ45 - 128 MB RAM / 16 MB FLASH (w25q128) - 3 LEDs (red/green/blue) incorporated in "color wheel reset switch" - UART 115200 8N1 Flashing instructions: The U-boot bootloader contains a recovery HTTP server to upload the firmware. Push the reset button while powering the device on and keep it pressed for ~10 seconds. The device's LEDs will blink several times and the recovery page will be at; use it to upload the sysupgrade image. Alternatively, the original firmware is based on OpenWrt so a sysupgrade image can be installed via the stock web GUI. Settings from the original firmware will be saved and restored on the new one, so a factory reset will be needed. To do so, once the new firmware is flashed, enter into failsafe mode by pressing the reset button several times during the boot process, until it starts flashing. Once in failsafe mode, perform a factory reset as usual. LED-Info: The LEDs on the Comfast stock fw have a very proprietary behaviour, corresponding to the user selected working mode (AP, ROUTER or REPEATER). In the first two cases, only blue is used for status and LAN signaling. When using the latter, blue is always off (except for sysupgrade), either red signals bad rssi on master-link, or green good. Since the default working mode of OpenWrt resembles that of a router/AP, the default behavior is implemented accordingly. MAC addresses (art partition): location address (example) use in vendor firmware 0x0 xx:xx:xx:xx:xc:f8 -> eth0 0x6 xx:xx:xx:xx:xc:fa -> wlan5g (+2) 0x1002 xx:xx:xx:xx:xc:f9 -> not used 0x5006 xx:xx:xx:xx:xc:fb -> not used --- xx:xx:xx:xx:xd:02 -> wlan2g (+10) The same strange situation has already been observed and documented for COMFAST CF-E560AC. Signed-off-by: Roman Hampel <rhamp@arcor.de> Co-developed-by: Joao Albuquerque <joaohccalbu@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Joao Albuquerque <joaohccalbu@gmail.com> [adjust and extend commit message, rebase, minor DTS adjustments, add correct MAC address for wmac, change RSSI LED names and behavior] Signed-off-by: Adrian Schmutzler <freifunk@adrianschmutzler.de>
2020-03-20 16:32:30 +00:00
define Device/comfast_cf-wr752ac-v1
SOC := qca9531
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca9888-ct \
IMAGE_SIZE := 16192k
TARGET_DEVICES += comfast_cf-wr752ac-v1
define Device/devolo_dvl1200e
SOC := qca9558
DEVICE_MODEL := WiFi pro 1200e
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 15936k
TARGET_DEVICES += devolo_dvl1200e
define Device/devolo_dvl1200i
SOC := qca9558
DEVICE_MODEL := WiFi pro 1200i
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 15936k
TARGET_DEVICES += devolo_dvl1200i
define Device/devolo_dvl1750c
SOC := qca9558
DEVICE_MODEL := WiFi pro 1750c
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 15936k
TARGET_DEVICES += devolo_dvl1750c
define Device/devolo_dvl1750e
SOC := qca9558
DEVICE_MODEL := WiFi pro 1750e
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 15936k
TARGET_DEVICES += devolo_dvl1750e
define Device/devolo_dvl1750i
SOC := qca9558
DEVICE_MODEL := WiFi pro 1750i
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 15936k
TARGET_DEVICES += devolo_dvl1750i
define Device/devolo_dvl1750x
SOC := qca9558
DEVICE_MODEL := WiFi pro 1750x
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 15936k
TARGET_DEVICES += devolo_dvl1750x
ath79: add support for Devolo Magic 2 WIFI This patch support Devolo Magic 2 WIFI, board devolo_dlan2-2400-ac. This device is a plc wifi AC2400 router/extender with 2 Ethernet ports, has a G.hn PLC and uses LCMP protocol from Home Grid Forum. Hardware: SoC: AR9344 CPU: 560 MHz Flash: 16 MiB (W25Q128JVSIQ) RAM: 128 MiB DDR2 Ethernet: 2xLAN 10/100/1000 PLC: 88LX5152 (MaxLinear G.hn) PLC Flash: W25Q32JVSSIQ PLC Uplink: 1Gbps MIMO PLC Link: RGMII 1Gbps (WAN) WiFi: Atheros AR9340 2.4GHz 802.11bgn Atheros AR9882-BR4A 5GHz 802.11ac Switch: QCA8337, Port0:CPU, Port2:PLC, Port3:LAN1, Port4:LAN2 Button: 3x Buttons (Reset, wifi and plc) LED: 3x Leds (wifi, plc white, plc red) GPIO Switch: 11-PLC Pairing (Active Low) 13-PLC Enable 21-WLAN power MACs Details verified with the stock firmware: Radio1: 2.4 GHz &wmac *:4c Art location: 0x1002 Radio0: 5.0 GHz &pcie *:4d Art location: 0x5006 Ethernet &ethernet *:4e = 2.4 GHz + 2 PLC uplink --- *:4f = 2.4 GHz + 3 Label MAC address is from PLC uplink OEM SSID: echo devolo-$(grep SerialNumber /dev/mtd1 | grep -o ...$) OEM WiFi password: grep DlanSecurityID /dev/mtd1|tr -d -|cut -d'=' -f 2 Recommendations: Configure and link your PLC with OEM firmware BEFORE you flash the device. PLC configuration/link should remain in different memory and should work straight forward after flashing. Restrictions: PLC link detection to trigger plc red led is not available. PLC G.hn chip is not compatible with open-plc-tools, it uses LCMP protocol with AES-128 and requires different software. Notes: Pairing should be possible with gpio switch. Default configuration will trigger wifi led with 2.4Ghz wifi traffic and plc white led with wan traffic. Flash instruction (TFTP): 1. Set PC to fixed ip address 2. Download the sysupgrade image and rename it to uploadfile 3. Start a tftp server with the image file in its root directory 4. Turn off the router 5. Press and hold Reset button 6. Turn on router with the reset button pressed and wait ~15 seconds 7. Release the reset button and after a short time the firmware should be transferred from the tftp server 8. Allow 1-2 minutes for the first boot. Signed-off-by: Manuel Giganto <mgigantoregistros@gmail.com>
2019-09-16 10:25:23 +00:00
define Device/devolo_magic-2-wifi
SOC := ar9344
DEVICE_MODEL := Magic 2 WiFi
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 15872k
TARGET_DEVICES += devolo_magic-2-wifi
define Device/dlink_dir-505
SOC := ar9330
IMAGE_SIZE := 7680k
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2
TARGET_DEVICES += dlink_dir-505
define Device/dlink_dir-825-b1
SOC := ar7161
IMAGE_SIZE := 6208k
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := append-kernel | append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | \
append-metadata | check-size
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb-ohci kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport \
kmod-leds-reset kmod-owl-loader
TARGET_DEVICES += dlink_dir-825-b1
define Device/dlink_dir-825-c1
SOC := ar9344
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport kmod-leds-reset \
IMAGE_SIZE := 15936k
IMAGES := factory.bin sysupgrade.bin
IMAGE/default := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | append-rootfs | \
IMAGE/factory.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | pad-offset $$$$(IMAGE_SIZE) 26 | \
append-string 00DB120AR9344-RT-101214-00 | check-size
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | append-metadata | \
TARGET_DEVICES += dlink_dir-825-c1
define Device/dlink_dir-835-a1
SOC := ar9344
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-leds-reset kmod-owl-loader
IMAGE_SIZE := 15936k
IMAGES := factory.bin sysupgrade.bin
IMAGE/default := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | append-rootfs | \
IMAGE/factory.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | pad-offset $$$$(IMAGE_SIZE) 26 | \
append-string 00DB120AR9344-RT-101214-00 | check-size
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | append-metadata | \
TARGET_DEVICES += dlink_dir-835-a1
define Device/dlink_dir-842-c
SOC := qca9563
KERNEL := kernel-bin | append-dtb | relocate-kernel | lzma
IMAGES += factory.bin
SEAMA_SIGNATURE := wrgac65_dlink.2015_dir842
# 64 bytes offset:
# - 28 bytes seama_header
# - 36 bytes of META data (4-bytes aligned)
IMAGE/default := append-kernel | uImage lzma | \
pad-offset $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) 64 | append-rootfs
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | seama | pad-rootfs | \
append-metadata | check-size
IMAGE/factory.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | pad-rootfs -x 64 | seama | \
seama-seal | check-size
IMAGE_SIZE := 15680k
define Device/dlink_dir-842-c1
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca9888-ct
TARGET_DEVICES += dlink_dir-842-c1
define Device/dlink_dir-842-c2
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca9888-ct
TARGET_DEVICES += dlink_dir-842-c2
define Device/dlink_dir-842-c3
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca9888-ct
TARGET_DEVICES += dlink_dir-842-c3
define Device/dlink_dir-859-a1
SOC := qca9563
IMAGE_SIZE := 15872k
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-ath10k-ct-smallbuffers ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
SEAMA_SIGNATURE := wrgac37_dlink.2013gui_dir859
TARGET_DEVICES += dlink_dir-859-a1
define Device/elecom_wrc-1750ghbk2-i
SOC := qca9563
IMAGE_SIZE := 15808k
KERNEL_INITRAMFS := $$(KERNEL) | pad-to 2 | \
add-elecom-factory-initramfs RN68 WRC-1750GHBK2
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
TARGET_DEVICES += elecom_wrc-1750ghbk2-i
define Device/elecom_wrc-300ghbk2-i
SOC := qca9563
IMAGE_SIZE := 7616k
KERNEL_INITRAMFS := $$(KERNEL) | pad-to 2 | \
add-elecom-factory-initramfs RN51 WRC-300GHBK2-I
TARGET_DEVICES += elecom_wrc-300ghbk2-i
define Device/embeddedwireless_dorin
SOC := ar9331
DEVICE_VENDOR := Embedded Wireless
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb-chipidea2
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
TARGET_DEVICES += embeddedwireless_dorin
define Device/engenius_ecb1750
SOC := qca9558
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 15680k
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | \
append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | check-size | \
senao-header -r 0x101 -p 0x6d -t 2
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := append-kernel | append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | \
append-metadata | check-size
TARGET_DEVICES += engenius_ecb1750
ath79: add suport for EnGenius EPG5000 EnGenius EPG5000 (v1.0.0, marketed as IoT Gateway) is a dual band wireless router. Specification SoC: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9558 RAM: 256 MB DDR2 Flash: 16 MB SPI NOR WIFI: 2.4 GHz 3T3R integrated 5 GHz 3T3R QCA9880 Mini PCIe card Ethernet: 5x 10/100/1000 Mbps QCA8337N USB: 1x 2.0 LEDS: 4x GPIO controlled Buttons: 2x GPIO controlled UART: 4 pin header, starting count from white triangle on PCB 1. VCC 3.3V, 2. GND, 3. TX, 4. RX baud: 115200, parity: none, flow control: none Installation 1. Connect to one of LAN (yellow) ethernet ports, 2. Open router configuration interface, 3. Go to Tools > Firmware, 4. Select OpenWrt factory image with dlf extension and hit Apply, 5. Wait few minutes, after the Power LED will stop blinking, the router is ready for configuration. Alternative installation 1. Prepare TFTP server with OpenWrt sysupgrade image, 2. Connect to one of LAN (yellow) ethernet ports, 3. Connect to UART port (leaving out VCC pin!), 4. Power on router, 5. When asked to enter a number 1 or 3 hit 2, this will select flashing image from TFTP server option, 6. You'll be prompted to enter TFTP server ip (default is, then router ip (default is and for last, image name downloaded from TFTP server (default is uImageESR1200_1750), 7. After providing all information U-Boot will start flashing the image, You can observe progress on console, it'll take few minutes and when the Power LED will stop blinking, router is ready for configuration. Additional information If connected to UART, when prompted for number on boot, one can enter number 4 to open bootloader (U-Boot) command line. OEM firmware shell password is: aigo3d0a0tdagr useful for creating backup of original firmware. When doing upgrade from OpenWrt ar71xx image, it is recomended to not keep the old configuration. Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <tomek_n@o2.pl>
2019-03-04 14:18:53 +00:00
define Device/engenius_epg5000
SOC := qca9558
ath79: add suport for EnGenius EPG5000 EnGenius EPG5000 (v1.0.0, marketed as IoT Gateway) is a dual band wireless router. Specification SoC: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9558 RAM: 256 MB DDR2 Flash: 16 MB SPI NOR WIFI: 2.4 GHz 3T3R integrated 5 GHz 3T3R QCA9880 Mini PCIe card Ethernet: 5x 10/100/1000 Mbps QCA8337N USB: 1x 2.0 LEDS: 4x GPIO controlled Buttons: 2x GPIO controlled UART: 4 pin header, starting count from white triangle on PCB 1. VCC 3.3V, 2. GND, 3. TX, 4. RX baud: 115200, parity: none, flow control: none Installation 1. Connect to one of LAN (yellow) ethernet ports, 2. Open router configuration interface, 3. Go to Tools > Firmware, 4. Select OpenWrt factory image with dlf extension and hit Apply, 5. Wait few minutes, after the Power LED will stop blinking, the router is ready for configuration. Alternative installation 1. Prepare TFTP server with OpenWrt sysupgrade image, 2. Connect to one of LAN (yellow) ethernet ports, 3. Connect to UART port (leaving out VCC pin!), 4. Power on router, 5. When asked to enter a number 1 or 3 hit 2, this will select flashing image from TFTP server option, 6. You'll be prompted to enter TFTP server ip (default is, then router ip (default is and for last, image name downloaded from TFTP server (default is uImageESR1200_1750), 7. After providing all information U-Boot will start flashing the image, You can observe progress on console, it'll take few minutes and when the Power LED will stop blinking, router is ready for configuration. Additional information If connected to UART, when prompted for number on boot, one can enter number 4 to open bootloader (U-Boot) command line. OEM firmware shell password is: aigo3d0a0tdagr useful for creating backup of original firmware. When doing upgrade from OpenWrt ar71xx image, it is recomended to not keep the old configuration. Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <tomek_n@o2.pl>
2019-03-04 14:18:53 +00:00
DEVICE_PACKAGES := ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct kmod-ath10k-ct kmod-usb2
IMAGE_SIZE := 14656k
IMAGES += factory.dlf
IMAGE/factory.dlf := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | \
append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | check-size | \
ath79: add suport for EnGenius EPG5000 EnGenius EPG5000 (v1.0.0, marketed as IoT Gateway) is a dual band wireless router. Specification SoC: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9558 RAM: 256 MB DDR2 Flash: 16 MB SPI NOR WIFI: 2.4 GHz 3T3R integrated 5 GHz 3T3R QCA9880 Mini PCIe card Ethernet: 5x 10/100/1000 Mbps QCA8337N USB: 1x 2.0 LEDS: 4x GPIO controlled Buttons: 2x GPIO controlled UART: 4 pin header, starting count from white triangle on PCB 1. VCC 3.3V, 2. GND, 3. TX, 4. RX baud: 115200, parity: none, flow control: none Installation 1. Connect to one of LAN (yellow) ethernet ports, 2. Open router configuration interface, 3. Go to Tools > Firmware, 4. Select OpenWrt factory image with dlf extension and hit Apply, 5. Wait few minutes, after the Power LED will stop blinking, the router is ready for configuration. Alternative installation 1. Prepare TFTP server with OpenWrt sysupgrade image, 2. Connect to one of LAN (yellow) ethernet ports, 3. Connect to UART port (leaving out VCC pin!), 4. Power on router, 5. When asked to enter a number 1 or 3 hit 2, this will select flashing image from TFTP server option, 6. You'll be prompted to enter TFTP server ip (default is, then router ip (default is and for last, image name downloaded from TFTP server (default is uImageESR1200_1750), 7. After providing all information U-Boot will start flashing the image, You can observe progress on console, it'll take few minutes and when the Power LED will stop blinking, router is ready for configuration. Additional information If connected to UART, when prompted for number on boot, one can enter number 4 to open bootloader (U-Boot) command line. OEM firmware shell password is: aigo3d0a0tdagr useful for creating backup of original firmware. When doing upgrade from OpenWrt ar71xx image, it is recomended to not keep the old configuration. Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <tomek_n@o2.pl>
2019-03-04 14:18:53 +00:00
senao-header -r 0x101 -p 0x71 -t 2
TARGET_DEVICES += engenius_epg5000
define Device/engenius_ews511ap
SOC := qca9531
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca9887-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
TARGET_DEVICES += engenius_ews511ap
define Device/enterasys_ws-ap3705i
SOC := ar9344
DEVICE_VENDOR := Enterasys
IMAGE_SIZE := 30528k
TARGET_DEVICES += enterasys_ws-ap3705i
define Device/etactica_eg200
SOC := ar9331
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb-chipidea2 kmod-ledtrig-oneshot \
kmod-usb-serial kmod-usb-serial-ftdi kmod-usb-storage kmod-fs-ext4
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
TARGET_DEVICES += etactica_eg200
define Device/glinet_6408
SOC := ar9331
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2
IMAGE_SIZE := 8000k
TPLINK_HWID := 0x08000001
IMAGES := sysupgrade.bin
TARGET_DEVICES += glinet_6408
define Device/glinet_6416
SOC := ar9331
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2
IMAGE_SIZE := 16192k
TPLINK_HWID := 0x08000001
IMAGES := sysupgrade.bin
TARGET_DEVICES += glinet_6416
define Device/glinet_gl-ar150
SOC := ar9330
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb-chipidea2
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
TARGET_DEVICES += glinet_gl-ar150
define Device/glinet_gl-ar300m-common-nor
SOC := qca9531
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
define Device/glinet_gl-ar300m-lite
TARGET_DEVICES += glinet_gl-ar300m-lite
define Device/glinet_gl-ar300m16
TARGET_DEVICES += glinet_gl-ar300m16
define Device/glinet_gl-ar750
SOC := qca9531
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca9887-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
TARGET_DEVICES += glinet_gl-ar750
define Device/glinet_gl-x750
SOC := qca9531
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca9887-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
TARGET_DEVICES += glinet_gl-x750
define Device/iodata_etg3-r
SOC := ar9342
IMAGE_SIZE := 7680k
DEVICE_PACKAGES := -iwinfo -kmod-ath9k -wpad-basic
TARGET_DEVICES += iodata_etg3-r
define Device/iodata_wn-ac1167dgr
SOC := qca9557
IMAGE_SIZE := 14656k
IMAGES += factory.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | \
append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | check-size | \
senao-header -r 0x30a -p 0x61 -t 2
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
TARGET_DEVICES += iodata_wn-ac1167dgr
ath79: add support for I-O DATA WN-AC1600DGR I-O DATA WN-AC1600DGR is a 2.4/5 GHz band 11ac router, based on Qualcomm Atheros QCA9557. Specification: - SoC: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9557 - RAM: 128 MB - Flash: 16 MB - WLAN: 2.4/5 GHz - 2.4 GHz: 2T2R (SoC internal) - 5 GHz: 3T3R (QCA9880) - Ethernet: 5x 10/100/1000 Mbps - Switch: QCA8337N - LED/key: 6x/6x(4x buttons, 1x slide switch) - UART: through-hole on PCB - Vcc, GND, TX, RX from ethernet port side - 115200n8 Flash instruction using factory image: 1. Connect the computer to the LAN port of WN-AC1600DGR 2. Connect power cable to WN-AC1600DGR and turn on it 3. Access to "" and open firmware update page ("ファームウェア") 4. Select the OpenWrt factory image and click update ("更新") button 5. Wait ~150 seconds to complete flashing Alternative flash instruction using initramfs image: 1. Prepare a computer and TFTP server software with the IP address "" and renamed OpenWrt initramfs image "uImageWN-AC1600DGR" 2. Connect between WN-AC1600DGR and the computer with UART 3. Connect power cable to WN-AC1600DGR, press "4" on the serial console and enter the U-Boot console 4. execute "tftpboot" command on the console and download initramfs image from the TFTP server 5. execute "bootm" command and boot OpenWrt 6. On initramfs image, download the sysupgrade image to the device and perform sysupgrade with it 7. Wait ~150 seconds to complete flashing This commit also removes unnecessary "qca,no-eeprom" property from the ath10k wifi node. Signed-off-by: INAGAKI Hiroshi <musashino.open@gmail.com>
2019-02-05 08:23:58 +00:00
define Device/iodata_wn-ac1600dgr
SOC := qca9557
ath79: add support for I-O DATA WN-AC1600DGR I-O DATA WN-AC1600DGR is a 2.4/5 GHz band 11ac router, based on Qualcomm Atheros QCA9557. Specification: - SoC: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9557 - RAM: 128 MB - Flash: 16 MB - WLAN: 2.4/5 GHz - 2.4 GHz: 2T2R (SoC internal) - 5 GHz: 3T3R (QCA9880) - Ethernet: 5x 10/100/1000 Mbps - Switch: QCA8337N - LED/key: 6x/6x(4x buttons, 1x slide switch) - UART: through-hole on PCB - Vcc, GND, TX, RX from ethernet port side - 115200n8 Flash instruction using factory image: 1. Connect the computer to the LAN port of WN-AC1600DGR 2. Connect power cable to WN-AC1600DGR and turn on it 3. Access to "" and open firmware update page ("ファームウェア") 4. Select the OpenWrt factory image and click update ("更新") button 5. Wait ~150 seconds to complete flashing Alternative flash instruction using initramfs image: 1. Prepare a computer and TFTP server software with the IP address "" and renamed OpenWrt initramfs image "uImageWN-AC1600DGR" 2. Connect between WN-AC1600DGR and the computer with UART 3. Connect power cable to WN-AC1600DGR, press "4" on the serial console and enter the U-Boot console 4. execute "tftpboot" command on the console and download initramfs image from the TFTP server 5. execute "bootm" command and boot OpenWrt 6. On initramfs image, download the sysupgrade image to the device and perform sysupgrade with it 7. Wait ~150 seconds to complete flashing This commit also removes unnecessary "qca,no-eeprom" property from the ath10k wifi node. Signed-off-by: INAGAKI Hiroshi <musashino.open@gmail.com>
2019-02-05 08:23:58 +00:00
IMAGE_SIZE := 14656k
IMAGES += factory.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | \
append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | check-size | \
senao-header -r 0x30a -p 0x60 -t 2 -v 200
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
ath79: add support for I-O DATA WN-AC1600DGR I-O DATA WN-AC1600DGR is a 2.4/5 GHz band 11ac router, based on Qualcomm Atheros QCA9557. Specification: - SoC: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9557 - RAM: 128 MB - Flash: 16 MB - WLAN: 2.4/5 GHz - 2.4 GHz: 2T2R (SoC internal) - 5 GHz: 3T3R (QCA9880) - Ethernet: 5x 10/100/1000 Mbps - Switch: QCA8337N - LED/key: 6x/6x(4x buttons, 1x slide switch) - UART: through-hole on PCB - Vcc, GND, TX, RX from ethernet port side - 115200n8 Flash instruction using factory image: 1. Connect the computer to the LAN port of WN-AC1600DGR 2. Connect power cable to WN-AC1600DGR and turn on it 3. Access to "" and open firmware update page ("ファームウェア") 4. Select the OpenWrt factory image and click update ("更新") button 5. Wait ~150 seconds to complete flashing Alternative flash instruction using initramfs image: 1. Prepare a computer and TFTP server software with the IP address "" and renamed OpenWrt initramfs image "uImageWN-AC1600DGR" 2. Connect between WN-AC1600DGR and the computer with UART 3. Connect power cable to WN-AC1600DGR, press "4" on the serial console and enter the U-Boot console 4. execute "tftpboot" command on the console and download initramfs image from the TFTP server 5. execute "bootm" command and boot OpenWrt 6. On initramfs image, download the sysupgrade image to the device and perform sysupgrade with it 7. Wait ~150 seconds to complete flashing This commit also removes unnecessary "qca,no-eeprom" property from the ath10k wifi node. Signed-off-by: INAGAKI Hiroshi <musashino.open@gmail.com>
2019-02-05 08:23:58 +00:00
TARGET_DEVICES += iodata_wn-ac1600dgr
define Device/iodata_wn-ac1600dgr2
SOC := qca9557
IMAGE_SIZE := 14656k
IMAGES += dgr2-dgr3-factory.bin
IMAGE/dgr2-dgr3-factory.bin := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | \
append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | check-size | \
senao-header -r 0x30a -p 0x60 -t 2 -v 200
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
TARGET_DEVICES += iodata_wn-ac1600dgr2
define Device/iodata_wn-ag300dgr
SOC := ar1022
IMAGE_SIZE := 15424k
IMAGES += factory.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | \
append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | check-size | \
senao-header -r 0x30a -p 0x47 -t 2
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2
TARGET_DEVICES += iodata_wn-ag300dgr
ath79: add support for jjPlus JA76PF2 jjPlus JA76PF2 (marketed as IntellusPro2) is a network embedded board. Specification SoC: Atheros AR7161 RAM: 64 MB DDR Flash: 16 MB SPI NOR Ethernet: 2x 10/100/1000 Mbps AR8316 LAN (CN11), WAN/PoE (CN6 - close to power barrel connector, 48 V) MiniPCI: 2x LEDS: 4x, which 3 are GPIO controlled Buttons: 2x GPIO controlled Reset (SW1, closer to ethernet ports), WPS (SW2) Serial: 1x (only RX and TX are wired) baud: 115200, parity: none, flow control: none Currently there is one caveat compared to ar71xx target images as the MAC addresses are random on every reboot. To remedy this one needs to store the WAN MAC address in RedBoot configuration. OpenWrt on first boot, after flashing, will read out the address and assign proper ones to both WAN and LAN ports. It is iportant to NOT keep the old configuration when doing sysupgrade from ar71xx. Upgrading from OpenWrt ar71xx image 1. Connect to serial port, 2. Download OpenWrt sysupgrade image to /tmp directory and flash it with: sysupgrade -n <openwrt_sysupgrade_image_name> 3. After writing new image OpenWrt will reboot, now interrupt boot process and enter RedBoot (bootloader) command line by pressing Ctrl+C, 4. Enter following commands (replace variable accordingly), set_mac (to view MAC addresses) alias ethaddr <wan_port_mac_adress> (confirm storing the value by inputting y and pressing Enter) reset 5. Now board should restart and boot OpenWrt with proper MAC addresses. Installation 1. Prepare TFTP server with OpenWrt initramfs image, 2. Connect to WAN ethernet port, 3. Connect to serial port, 4. Power on the board and enter RedBoot (bootloader) command line by pressing Ctrl+C, 5. Enter following commands (replace variables accordingly): set_mac (to view MAC addresses) alias ethaddr <wan_port_mac_address> (confirm storing the value by inputting y and pressing Enter) ip_adress -l <board_ip_adress>/24 -h <tftp_server_ip_adress> load -r -b 0x80060000 <openwrt_initramfs_image_name> exec -c "" 6. Now board should boot OpenWrt initramfs image, 7. Download OpenWrt sysupgrade image to /tmp directory and flash it with: sysupgrade <openwrt_sysupgrade_image_name> 8. Wait few minutes, after the D2 LED will stop blinking, the board is ready for configuration. Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <tomek_n@o2.pl>
2019-03-06 19:15:19 +00:00
define Device/jjplus_ja76pf2
SOC := ar7161
ath79: add support for jjPlus JA76PF2 jjPlus JA76PF2 (marketed as IntellusPro2) is a network embedded board. Specification SoC: Atheros AR7161 RAM: 64 MB DDR Flash: 16 MB SPI NOR Ethernet: 2x 10/100/1000 Mbps AR8316 LAN (CN11), WAN/PoE (CN6 - close to power barrel connector, 48 V) MiniPCI: 2x LEDS: 4x, which 3 are GPIO controlled Buttons: 2x GPIO controlled Reset (SW1, closer to ethernet ports), WPS (SW2) Serial: 1x (only RX and TX are wired) baud: 115200, parity: none, flow control: none Currently there is one caveat compared to ar71xx target images as the MAC addresses are random on every reboot. To remedy this one needs to store the WAN MAC address in RedBoot configuration. OpenWrt on first boot, after flashing, will read out the address and assign proper ones to both WAN and LAN ports. It is iportant to NOT keep the old configuration when doing sysupgrade from ar71xx. Upgrading from OpenWrt ar71xx image 1. Connect to serial port, 2. Download OpenWrt sysupgrade image to /tmp directory and flash it with: sysupgrade -n <openwrt_sysupgrade_image_name> 3. After writing new image OpenWrt will reboot, now interrupt boot process and enter RedBoot (bootloader) command line by pressing Ctrl+C, 4. Enter following commands (replace variable accordingly), set_mac (to view MAC addresses) alias ethaddr <wan_port_mac_adress> (confirm storing the value by inputting y and pressing Enter) reset 5. Now board should restart and boot OpenWrt with proper MAC addresses. Installation 1. Prepare TFTP server with OpenWrt initramfs image, 2. Connect to WAN ethernet port, 3. Connect to serial port, 4. Power on the board and enter RedBoot (bootloader) command line by pressing Ctrl+C, 5. Enter following commands (replace variables accordingly): set_mac (to view MAC addresses) alias ethaddr <wan_port_mac_address> (confirm storing the value by inputting y and pressing Enter) ip_adress -l <board_ip_adress>/24 -h <tftp_server_ip_adress> load -r -b 0x80060000 <openwrt_initramfs_image_name> exec -c "" 6. Now board should boot OpenWrt initramfs image, 7. Download OpenWrt sysupgrade image to /tmp directory and flash it with: sysupgrade <openwrt_sysupgrade_image_name> 8. Wait few minutes, after the D2 LED will stop blinking, the board is ready for configuration. Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <tomek_n@o2.pl>
2019-03-06 19:15:19 +00:00
DEVICE_PACKAGES += -kmod-ath9k -swconfig -wpad-mini -uboot-envtools fconfig
IMAGES := kernel.bin rootfs.bin
IMAGE/kernel.bin := append-kernel
IMAGE/rootfs.bin := append-rootfs | pad-rootfs
ath79: add support for jjPlus JA76PF2 jjPlus JA76PF2 (marketed as IntellusPro2) is a network embedded board. Specification SoC: Atheros AR7161 RAM: 64 MB DDR Flash: 16 MB SPI NOR Ethernet: 2x 10/100/1000 Mbps AR8316 LAN (CN11), WAN/PoE (CN6 - close to power barrel connector, 48 V) MiniPCI: 2x LEDS: 4x, which 3 are GPIO controlled Buttons: 2x GPIO controlled Reset (SW1, closer to ethernet ports), WPS (SW2) Serial: 1x (only RX and TX are wired) baud: 115200, parity: none, flow control: none Currently there is one caveat compared to ar71xx target images as the MAC addresses are random on every reboot. To remedy this one needs to store the WAN MAC address in RedBoot configuration. OpenWrt on first boot, after flashing, will read out the address and assign proper ones to both WAN and LAN ports. It is iportant to NOT keep the old configuration when doing sysupgrade from ar71xx. Upgrading from OpenWrt ar71xx image 1. Connect to serial port, 2. Download OpenWrt sysupgrade image to /tmp directory and flash it with: sysupgrade -n <openwrt_sysupgrade_image_name> 3. After writing new image OpenWrt will reboot, now interrupt boot process and enter RedBoot (bootloader) command line by pressing Ctrl+C, 4. Enter following commands (replace variable accordingly), set_mac (to view MAC addresses) alias ethaddr <wan_port_mac_adress> (confirm storing the value by inputting y and pressing Enter) reset 5. Now board should restart and boot OpenWrt with proper MAC addresses. Installation 1. Prepare TFTP server with OpenWrt initramfs image, 2. Connect to WAN ethernet port, 3. Connect to serial port, 4. Power on the board and enter RedBoot (bootloader) command line by pressing Ctrl+C, 5. Enter following commands (replace variables accordingly): set_mac (to view MAC addresses) alias ethaddr <wan_port_mac_address> (confirm storing the value by inputting y and pressing Enter) ip_adress -l <board_ip_adress>/24 -h <tftp_server_ip_adress> load -r -b 0x80060000 <openwrt_initramfs_image_name> exec -c "" 6. Now board should boot OpenWrt initramfs image, 7. Download OpenWrt sysupgrade image to /tmp directory and flash it with: sysupgrade <openwrt_sysupgrade_image_name> 8. Wait few minutes, after the D2 LED will stop blinking, the board is ready for configuration. Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <tomek_n@o2.pl>
2019-03-06 19:15:19 +00:00
KERNEL := kernel-bin | append-dtb | lzma | pad-to $$(BLOCKSIZE)
KERNEL_INITRAMFS := kernel-bin | append-dtb
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
ath79: add support for jjPlus JA76PF2 jjPlus JA76PF2 (marketed as IntellusPro2) is a network embedded board. Specification SoC: Atheros AR7161 RAM: 64 MB DDR Flash: 16 MB SPI NOR Ethernet: 2x 10/100/1000 Mbps AR8316 LAN (CN11), WAN/PoE (CN6 - close to power barrel connector, 48 V) MiniPCI: 2x LEDS: 4x, which 3 are GPIO controlled Buttons: 2x GPIO controlled Reset (SW1, closer to ethernet ports), WPS (SW2) Serial: 1x (only RX and TX are wired) baud: 115200, parity: none, flow control: none Currently there is one caveat compared to ar71xx target images as the MAC addresses are random on every reboot. To remedy this one needs to store the WAN MAC address in RedBoot configuration. OpenWrt on first boot, after flashing, will read out the address and assign proper ones to both WAN and LAN ports. It is iportant to NOT keep the old configuration when doing sysupgrade from ar71xx. Upgrading from OpenWrt ar71xx image 1. Connect to serial port, 2. Download OpenWrt sysupgrade image to /tmp directory and flash it with: sysupgrade -n <openwrt_sysupgrade_image_name> 3. After writing new image OpenWrt will reboot, now interrupt boot process and enter RedBoot (bootloader) command line by pressing Ctrl+C, 4. Enter following commands (replace variable accordingly), set_mac (to view MAC addresses) alias ethaddr <wan_port_mac_adress> (confirm storing the value by inputting y and pressing Enter) reset 5. Now board should restart and boot OpenWrt with proper MAC addresses. Installation 1. Prepare TFTP server with OpenWrt initramfs image, 2. Connect to WAN ethernet port, 3. Connect to serial port, 4. Power on the board and enter RedBoot (bootloader) command line by pressing Ctrl+C, 5. Enter following commands (replace variables accordingly): set_mac (to view MAC addresses) alias ethaddr <wan_port_mac_address> (confirm storing the value by inputting y and pressing Enter) ip_adress -l <board_ip_adress>/24 -h <tftp_server_ip_adress> load -r -b 0x80060000 <openwrt_initramfs_image_name> exec -c "" 6. Now board should boot OpenWrt initramfs image, 7. Download OpenWrt sysupgrade image to /tmp directory and flash it with: sysupgrade <openwrt_sysupgrade_image_name> 8. Wait few minutes, after the D2 LED will stop blinking, the board is ready for configuration. Signed-off-by: Tomasz Maciej Nowak <tomek_n@o2.pl>
2019-03-06 19:15:19 +00:00
TARGET_DEVICES += jjplus_ja76pf2
define Device/librerouter_librerouter-v1
SOC := qca9558
DEVICE_VENDOR := Librerouter
DEVICE_MODEL := LibreRouter
IMAGE_SIZE := 7936k
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2
TARGET_DEVICES += librerouter_librerouter-v1
define Device/nec_wg1200cr
SOC := qca9563
IMAGE_SIZE := 7616k
SEAMA_SIGNATURE := wrgac72_necpf.2016gui_wg1200cr
IMAGES += factory.bin
IMAGE/default := append-kernel | pad-offset $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) 64 | append-rootfs
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | seama | pad-rootfs | \
append-metadata | check-size
IMAGE/factory.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | pad-rootfs -x 64 | seama | \
seama-seal | nec-enc 9gsiy9nzep452pad | check-size
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca9888-ct
TARGET_DEVICES += nec_wg1200cr
define Device/nec_wg800hp
SOC := qca9563
IMAGE_SIZE := 7104k
IMAGES += factory.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | \
append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | check-size | \
xor-image -p 6A57190601121E4C004C1E1201061957 -x | nec-fw LASER_ATERM
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct-smallbuffers ath10k-firmware-qca9887-ct-full-htt
TARGET_DEVICES += nec_wg800hp
define Device/netgear_ex6400_ex7300
SOC := qca9558
NETGEAR_BOARD_ID := EX7300series
NETGEAR_HW_ID := 29765104+16+0+128
IMAGE_SIZE := 15552k
IMAGE/default := append-kernel | pad-offset $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) 64 | \
netgear-rootfs | pad-rootfs
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca99x0-ct
define Device/netgear_ex6400
TARGET_DEVICES += netgear_ex6400
define Device/netgear_ex7300
TARGET_DEVICES += netgear_ex7300
define Device/netgear_wndr3x00
SOC := ar7161
IMAGE/default := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | netgear-squashfs | \
append-rootfs | pad-rootfs
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb-ohci kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport \
kmod-leds-reset kmod-owl-loader
define Device/netgear_wndr3700
IMAGE_SIZE := 7680k
IMAGES += factory-NA.img
IMAGE/factory-NA.img := $$(IMAGE/default) | netgear-dni NA | \
TARGET_DEVICES += netgear_wndr3700
define Device/netgear_wndr3700-v2
NETGEAR_HW_ID := 29763654+16+64
IMAGE_SIZE := 15872k
SUPPORTED_DEVICES += wndr3700 netgear,wndr3700v2
TARGET_DEVICES += netgear_wndr3700-v2
define Device/netgear_wndr3800
NETGEAR_HW_ID := 29763654+16+128
IMAGE_SIZE := 15872k
TARGET_DEVICES += netgear_wndr3800
define Device/netgear_wndr3800ch
NETGEAR_HW_ID := 29763654+16+128
IMAGE_SIZE := 15872k
TARGET_DEVICES += netgear_wndr3800ch
2019-10-30 09:07:27 +00:00
define Device/netgear_wnr2200_common
SOC := ar7241
2019-10-30 09:07:27 +00:00
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport
IMAGE/default := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | netgear-squashfs | \
append-rootfs | pad-rootfs
define Device/netgear_wnr2200-8m
NETGEAR_HW_ID := 29763600+08+64
IMAGE_SIZE := 7808k
IMAGES += factory-NA.img
IMAGE/factory-NA.img := $$(IMAGE/default) | netgear-dni NA | \
2019-10-30 09:07:27 +00:00
TARGET_DEVICES += netgear_wnr2200-8m
define Device/netgear_wnr2200-16m
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
TARGET_DEVICES += netgear_wnr2200-16m
define Device/ocedo_koala
SOC := qca9558
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 7424k
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := append-kernel | append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | \
append-metadata | check-size
TARGET_DEVICES += ocedo_koala
define Device/ocedo_raccoon
SOC := ar9344
IMAGE_SIZE := 7424k
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := append-kernel | append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | \
append-metadata | check-size
TARGET_DEVICES += ocedo_raccoon
define Device/ocedo_ursus
SOC := qca9558
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 7424k
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := append-kernel | append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | \
append-metadata | check-size
TARGET_DEVICES += ocedo_ursus
define Device/openmesh_om5p-ac-v2
SOC := qca9558
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct om-watchdog
IMAGE_SIZE := 7808k
TARGET_DEVICES += openmesh_om5p-ac-v2
define Device/pcs_cap324
SOC := ar9344
DEVICE_VENDOR := PowerCloud Systems
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
TARGET_DEVICES += pcs_cap324
define Device/pcs_cr3000
SOC := ar9341
DEVICE_VENDOR := PowerCloud Systems
IMAGE_SIZE := 7808k
TARGET_DEVICES += pcs_cr3000
define Device/pcs_cr5000
SOC := ar9344
DEVICE_VENDOR := PowerCloud Systems
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2
IMAGE_SIZE := 7808k
TARGET_DEVICES += pcs_cr5000
define Device/phicomm_k2t
SOC := qca9563
IMAGE_SIZE := 15744k
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := append-kernel | append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | \
append-metadata | check-size
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-leds-reset kmod-ath10k-ct-smallbuffers ath10k-firmware-qca9888-ct
TARGET_DEVICES += phicomm_k2t
define Device/pisen_ts-d084
SOC := ar9331
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-chipidea2
TPLINK_HWID := 0x07030101
TARGET_DEVICES += pisen_ts-d084
ath79: add support for PISEN WMB001N Specifications: - SoC: AR9341 - RAM: 64M - Flash: 16M - Ethernet: 1 * FE port - WiFi: ar934x-wmac - Sound: WM8918 DAC 1 * 3.5mm headphone jack 2 * RCA connectors for speakers 1 * SPDIF out - USB: 1 * USB2.0 port Flash instruction: Upload generated factory image via vendor's web interface. Notes: A. Audio stuff: 1. Since AR934x, all pins for peripheral blocks can be mapped to any available GPIOs. We currently don't have a PCM/I2S driver for AR934x so pinmux for i2s and SPDIF are bound to i2c gpio node. This should be moved into I2S node when a PCM/I2S driver is available. 2. The i2c-gpio node is for WM8918. DT binding for it can't be added currently due to a missing clock from I2S PLL. B. Factory image: Image contains a image header and a tar.gz archive. 1. Header: A 288 byte header that has nothing to do with appended tarball. Format: 0x0-0x7 and 0x18-0x1F: magic values 0x20: Model number string 0xFC: Action string. It's either "update" or "backup" 0x11C: A 1 byte checksum. It's XOR result of 0x8-0x11B Firmware doesn't care about the rest of the header as long as checksum result is correct. The same header is used for backup and update routines so the magic values and model number can be obtained by generating a backup bin and grab values from it. 2. Tarball: It contains two files named uImage and rootfs, which will be flashed into corresponding mtd partition. Writing a special utility that can only output a fixed binary blob is overkill so factory image header is placed under image/bin instead. C. LED The wifi led has "Wi-Fi" marked on the case but vendor's firmware used it as system status indicator. I did the same in this device support patch. D. Firmware Factory u-boot is built without 'savenv' support so it's impossible to change kernel offset. A 2MB kernel partition won't be enough in the future. OKLI loader is used here to migrate this problem: 1. add OKLI image magic support into uImage parser. 2. build an OKLI loader, compress it with lzma and add a normal uImage header. 3. flash the loader to where the original kernel supposed to be. 4. create a uImage firmware using OKLI loader. 5. flash the created firmware to where rootfs supposed to be. By doing so, u-boot will start OKLI loader, which will then load the actual kernel at 0x20000. The kernel partition is 2MB, which is too much for our loader. To save this space, "mtd-concat" is used here: 1. create a 64K (1 erase block) partition for OKLI loader and create another partition with the left space. 2. concatenate rootfs and this partition into a virtual flash. 3. use the virtual flash for firmware partition. Currently OKLI loader is flashed with factory image only. sysupgrade won't replace it. Since it only has one function and it works for several years, its unlikely to have some bugs that requires a replacement. Signed-off-by: Chuanhong Guo <gch981213@gmail.com>
2019-08-04 14:13:45 +00:00
define Device/pisen_wmb001n
SOC := ar9341
ath79: add support for PISEN WMB001N Specifications: - SoC: AR9341 - RAM: 64M - Flash: 16M - Ethernet: 1 * FE port - WiFi: ar934x-wmac - Sound: WM8918 DAC 1 * 3.5mm headphone jack 2 * RCA connectors for speakers 1 * SPDIF out - USB: 1 * USB2.0 port Flash instruction: Upload generated factory image via vendor's web interface. Notes: A. Audio stuff: 1. Since AR934x, all pins for peripheral blocks can be mapped to any available GPIOs. We currently don't have a PCM/I2S driver for AR934x so pinmux for i2s and SPDIF are bound to i2c gpio node. This should be moved into I2S node when a PCM/I2S driver is available. 2. The i2c-gpio node is for WM8918. DT binding for it can't be added currently due to a missing clock from I2S PLL. B. Factory image: Image contains a image header and a tar.gz archive. 1. Header: A 288 byte header that has nothing to do with appended tarball. Format: 0x0-0x7 and 0x18-0x1F: magic values 0x20: Model number string 0xFC: Action string. It's either "update" or "backup" 0x11C: A 1 byte checksum. It's XOR result of 0x8-0x11B Firmware doesn't care about the rest of the header as long as checksum result is correct. The same header is used for backup and update routines so the magic values and model number can be obtained by generating a backup bin and grab values from it. 2. Tarball: It contains two files named uImage and rootfs, which will be flashed into corresponding mtd partition. Writing a special utility that can only output a fixed binary blob is overkill so factory image header is placed under image/bin instead. C. LED The wifi led has "Wi-Fi" marked on the case but vendor's firmware used it as system status indicator. I did the same in this device support patch. D. Firmware Factory u-boot is built without 'savenv' support so it's impossible to change kernel offset. A 2MB kernel partition won't be enough in the future. OKLI loader is used here to migrate this problem: 1. add OKLI image magic support into uImage parser. 2. build an OKLI loader, compress it with lzma and add a normal uImage header. 3. flash the loader to where the original kernel supposed to be. 4. create a uImage firmware using OKLI loader. 5. flash the created firmware to where rootfs supposed to be. By doing so, u-boot will start OKLI loader, which will then load the actual kernel at 0x20000. The kernel partition is 2MB, which is too much for our loader. To save this space, "mtd-concat" is used here: 1. create a 64K (1 erase block) partition for OKLI loader and create another partition with the left space. 2. concatenate rootfs and this partition into a virtual flash. 3. use the virtual flash for firmware partition. Currently OKLI loader is flashed with factory image only. sysupgrade won't replace it. Since it only has one function and it works for several years, its unlikely to have some bugs that requires a replacement. Signed-off-by: Chuanhong Guo <gch981213@gmail.com>
2019-08-04 14:13:45 +00:00
IMAGE_SIZE := 14080k
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-i2c-gpio kmod-usb2
ath79: add support for PISEN WMB001N Specifications: - SoC: AR9341 - RAM: 64M - Flash: 16M - Ethernet: 1 * FE port - WiFi: ar934x-wmac - Sound: WM8918 DAC 1 * 3.5mm headphone jack 2 * RCA connectors for speakers 1 * SPDIF out - USB: 1 * USB2.0 port Flash instruction: Upload generated factory image via vendor's web interface. Notes: A. Audio stuff: 1. Since AR934x, all pins for peripheral blocks can be mapped to any available GPIOs. We currently don't have a PCM/I2S driver for AR934x so pinmux for i2s and SPDIF are bound to i2c gpio node. This should be moved into I2S node when a PCM/I2S driver is available. 2. The i2c-gpio node is for WM8918. DT binding for it can't be added currently due to a missing clock from I2S PLL. B. Factory image: Image contains a image header and a tar.gz archive. 1. Header: A 288 byte header that has nothing to do with appended tarball. Format: 0x0-0x7 and 0x18-0x1F: magic values 0x20: Model number string 0xFC: Action string. It's either "update" or "backup" 0x11C: A 1 byte checksum. It's XOR result of 0x8-0x11B Firmware doesn't care about the rest of the header as long as checksum result is correct. The same header is used for backup and update routines so the magic values and model number can be obtained by generating a backup bin and grab values from it. 2. Tarball: It contains two files named uImage and rootfs, which will be flashed into corresponding mtd partition. Writing a special utility that can only output a fixed binary blob is overkill so factory image header is placed under image/bin instead. C. LED The wifi led has "Wi-Fi" marked on the case but vendor's firmware used it as system status indicator. I did the same in this device support patch. D. Firmware Factory u-boot is built without 'savenv' support so it's impossible to change kernel offset. A 2MB kernel partition won't be enough in the future. OKLI loader is used here to migrate this problem: 1. add OKLI image magic support into uImage parser. 2. build an OKLI loader, compress it with lzma and add a normal uImage header. 3. flash the loader to where the original kernel supposed to be. 4. create a uImage firmware using OKLI loader. 5. flash the created firmware to where rootfs supposed to be. By doing so, u-boot will start OKLI loader, which will then load the actual kernel at 0x20000. The kernel partition is 2MB, which is too much for our loader. To save this space, "mtd-concat" is used here: 1. create a 64K (1 erase block) partition for OKLI loader and create another partition with the left space. 2. concatenate rootfs and this partition into a virtual flash. 3. use the virtual flash for firmware partition. Currently OKLI loader is flashed with factory image only. sysupgrade won't replace it. Since it only has one function and it works for several years, its unlikely to have some bugs that requires a replacement. Signed-off-by: Chuanhong Guo <gch981213@gmail.com>
2019-08-04 14:13:45 +00:00
COMPILE := loader-$(1).bin loader-$(1).uImage
COMPILE/loader-$(1).bin := loader-okli-compile
COMPILE/loader-$(1).uImage := append-loader-okli $(1) | pad-to 64k | lzma | \
uImage lzma
ath79: add support for PISEN WMB001N Specifications: - SoC: AR9341 - RAM: 64M - Flash: 16M - Ethernet: 1 * FE port - WiFi: ar934x-wmac - Sound: WM8918 DAC 1 * 3.5mm headphone jack 2 * RCA connectors for speakers 1 * SPDIF out - USB: 1 * USB2.0 port Flash instruction: Upload generated factory image via vendor's web interface. Notes: A. Audio stuff: 1. Since AR934x, all pins for peripheral blocks can be mapped to any available GPIOs. We currently don't have a PCM/I2S driver for AR934x so pinmux for i2s and SPDIF are bound to i2c gpio node. This should be moved into I2S node when a PCM/I2S driver is available. 2. The i2c-gpio node is for WM8918. DT binding for it can't be added currently due to a missing clock from I2S PLL. B. Factory image: Image contains a image header and a tar.gz archive. 1. Header: A 288 byte header that has nothing to do with appended tarball. Format: 0x0-0x7 and 0x18-0x1F: magic values 0x20: Model number string 0xFC: Action string. It's either "update" or "backup" 0x11C: A 1 byte checksum. It's XOR result of 0x8-0x11B Firmware doesn't care about the rest of the header as long as checksum result is correct. The same header is used for backup and update routines so the magic values and model number can be obtained by generating a backup bin and grab values from it. 2. Tarball: It contains two files named uImage and rootfs, which will be flashed into corresponding mtd partition. Writing a special utility that can only output a fixed binary blob is overkill so factory image header is placed under image/bin instead. C. LED The wifi led has "Wi-Fi" marked on the case but vendor's firmware used it as system status indicator. I did the same in this device support patch. D. Firmware Factory u-boot is built without 'savenv' support so it's impossible to change kernel offset. A 2MB kernel partition won't be enough in the future. OKLI loader is used here to migrate this problem: 1. add OKLI image magic support into uImage parser. 2. build an OKLI loader, compress it with lzma and add a normal uImage header. 3. flash the loader to where the original kernel supposed to be. 4. create a uImage firmware using OKLI loader. 5. flash the created firmware to where rootfs supposed to be. By doing so, u-boot will start OKLI loader, which will then load the actual kernel at 0x20000. The kernel partition is 2MB, which is too much for our loader. To save this space, "mtd-concat" is used here: 1. create a 64K (1 erase block) partition for OKLI loader and create another partition with the left space. 2. concatenate rootfs and this partition into a virtual flash. 3. use the virtual flash for firmware partition. Currently OKLI loader is flashed with factory image only. sysupgrade won't replace it. Since it only has one function and it works for several years, its unlikely to have some bugs that requires a replacement. Signed-off-by: Chuanhong Guo <gch981213@gmail.com>
2019-08-04 14:13:45 +00:00
KERNEL := kernel-bin | append-dtb | lzma | uImage lzma -M 0x4f4b4c49
IMAGES += factory.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := $$(IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin) | pisen_wmb001n-factory $(1)
TARGET_DEVICES += pisen_wmb001n
define Device/pisen_wmm003n
SOC := ar9331
DEVICE_MODEL := Cloud Easy Power (WMM003N)
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-chipidea2
TPLINK_HWID := 0x07030101
TARGET_DEVICES += pisen_wmm003n
define Device/qihoo_c301
SOC := ar9344
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct \
IMAGE_SIZE := 15744k
SEAMA_SIGNATURE := wrgac26_qihoo360_360rg
TARGET_DEVICES += qihoo_c301
define Device/rosinson_wr818
SOC := qca9563
IMAGE_SIZE := 15872k
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-ledtrig-usbport
TARGET_DEVICES += rosinson_wr818
define Device/siemens_ws-ap3610
SOC := ar7161
IMAGE_SIZE := 14336k
COMPILE := loader-$(1).bin
COMPILE/loader-$(1).bin := loader-okli-compile
KERNEL := kernel-bin | append-dtb | lzma | uImage lzma -M 0x4f4b4c49 | loader-okli $(1) 8128 | uImage none
KERNEL_INITRAMFS := kernel-bin | append-dtb | uImage none
TARGET_DEVICES += siemens_ws-ap3610
define Device/sitecom_wlr-7100
SOC := ar1022
DEVICE_PACKAGES := ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct kmod-ath10k-ct-smallbuffers kmod-usb2
IMAGES += factory.dlf
IMAGE/factory.dlf := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | \
append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | check-size | \
senao-header -r 0x222 -p 0x53 -t 2
IMAGE_SIZE := 7488k
TARGET_DEVICES += sitecom_wlr-7100
ath79: add support for Sitecom WLR-8100 Sitecom WLR-8100 v1 002 (marketed as X8 AC1750) is a dual band wireless router. Specification: - Qualcomm Atheros SoC QCA9558 - 128 MB of RAM (DDR2) - 16 MB of FLASH (Macronix MX25L12845EMI-10G - SPI NOR) - 5x 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet - 3T3R 2.4 GHz (QCA9558 WMAC) - 3T3R 5.8 Ghz (QCA9880-BR4A) - 1x USB 3.0 (Etron EJ168A) - 1x USB 2.0 - 9x LEDs - 2x GPIO buttons Everything working. Installation and restore procedure tested Installation 1. Connect to one of LAN (yellow) ethernet ports, 2. Open router configuration interface, 3. Go to Toolbox > Firmware, 4. Browse for OpenWrt factory image with dlf extension and hit Apply, 5. Wait few minutes, after the Power LED will stop blinking, the router is ready for configuration. Restore OEM FW (Linux only) 1. Download OEM FW from website (tested with WLR-8100v1002-firmware-v27.dlf) 2. Compile the FW for this router and locate the "mksenaofw" tool in build_dir/host/firmware-utils/bin/ inside the OpenWrt buildroot 3. Execute "mksenaofw -d WLR-8100v1002-firmware-v27.dlf -o WLR-8100v1002-firmware-v27.dlf.out" where: WLR-8100v1002-firmware-v27.dlf is the path to the input file (use the downloaded file) WLR-8100v1002-firmware-v27.dlf.out is the path to the output file (you can use the filename you want) 4. Flash the new WLR-8100v1002-firmware-v27.dlf.out file. WARNING: Do not keep settings. Additional notes. The original firmware has the following button configuration: - Press for 2s the 2.4GHz button: WPS for 2.4GHz - Press for 2s the 5GHz button: WPS for 5GHz - Press for 15s both 2.4GHz and 5GHz buttons: Reset I am not able to replicate this behaviour, so I used the following configuration: - Press the 2.4GHz button: RFKILL (disable/enable every wireless interfaces) - Press the 5GHz button: Reset Signed-off-by: Davide Fioravanti <pantanastyle@gmail.com>
2019-11-04 17:05:38 +00:00
define Device/sitecom_wlr-8100
SOC := qca9558
DEVICE_PACKAGES := ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct kmod-ath10k-ct kmod-usb2 kmod-usb3
IMAGES += factory.dlf
IMAGE/factory.dlf := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | \
append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | check-size | \
ath79: add support for Sitecom WLR-8100 Sitecom WLR-8100 v1 002 (marketed as X8 AC1750) is a dual band wireless router. Specification: - Qualcomm Atheros SoC QCA9558 - 128 MB of RAM (DDR2) - 16 MB of FLASH (Macronix MX25L12845EMI-10G - SPI NOR) - 5x 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet - 3T3R 2.4 GHz (QCA9558 WMAC) - 3T3R 5.8 Ghz (QCA9880-BR4A) - 1x USB 3.0 (Etron EJ168A) - 1x USB 2.0 - 9x LEDs - 2x GPIO buttons Everything working. Installation and restore procedure tested Installation 1. Connect to one of LAN (yellow) ethernet ports, 2. Open router configuration interface, 3. Go to Toolbox > Firmware, 4. Browse for OpenWrt factory image with dlf extension and hit Apply, 5. Wait few minutes, after the Power LED will stop blinking, the router is ready for configuration. Restore OEM FW (Linux only) 1. Download OEM FW from website (tested with WLR-8100v1002-firmware-v27.dlf) 2. Compile the FW for this router and locate the "mksenaofw" tool in build_dir/host/firmware-utils/bin/ inside the OpenWrt buildroot 3. Execute "mksenaofw -d WLR-8100v1002-firmware-v27.dlf -o WLR-8100v1002-firmware-v27.dlf.out" where: WLR-8100v1002-firmware-v27.dlf is the path to the input file (use the downloaded file) WLR-8100v1002-firmware-v27.dlf.out is the path to the output file (you can use the filename you want) 4. Flash the new WLR-8100v1002-firmware-v27.dlf.out file. WARNING: Do not keep settings. Additional notes. The original firmware has the following button configuration: - Press for 2s the 2.4GHz button: WPS for 2.4GHz - Press for 2s the 5GHz button: WPS for 5GHz - Press for 15s both 2.4GHz and 5GHz buttons: Reset I am not able to replicate this behaviour, so I used the following configuration: - Press the 2.4GHz button: RFKILL (disable/enable every wireless interfaces) - Press the 5GHz button: Reset Signed-off-by: Davide Fioravanti <pantanastyle@gmail.com>
2019-11-04 17:05:38 +00:00
senao-header -r 0x222 -p 0x56 -t 2
IMAGE_SIZE := 15424k
TARGET_DEVICES += sitecom_wlr-8100
define Device/teltonika_rut955
SOC := ar9344
DEVICE_VENDOR := Teltonika
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-usb-acm kmod-usb-net-qmi-wwan \
kmod-usb-serial-option kmod-hwmon-mcp3021 uqmi -uboot-envtools
IMAGE_SIZE := 15552k
TPLINK_HWID := 0x35000001
KERNEL := kernel-bin | append-dtb | lzma | tplink-v1-header
KERNEL_INITRAMFS := kernel-bin | append-dtb | lzma | uImage lzma
IMAGES += factory.bin
IMAGE/factory.bin := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | append-rootfs |\
pad-rootfs | teltonika-fw-fake-checksum | append-string master |\
append-md5sum-bin | check-size
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) |\
append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | append-metadata |\
TARGET_DEVICES += teltonika_rut955
ath79: add support for Teltonika RUT955 H7V3C0 This board was previously supported in ar71xx as 'RUT9XX'. The difference between that and the other RUT955 board already supported in ath79 is that instead of the SPI shift registers driving the LEDs and digital outputs that model got an I2C GPIO expander instead. To support LEDs during early boot and interrupt-driven digital inputs, I2C support as well as support for PCA953x has to be built-in and cannot be kernel modules, hence select those symbols for ath79/generic. Specification: - 550/400/200 MHz (CPU/DDR/AHB) - 128 MB of RAM (DDR2) - 16 MB of FLASH (SPI NOR) - 4x 10/100 Mbps Ethernet, with passive PoE support on LAN1 - 2T2R 2,4 GHz (AR9344) - built-in 4G/3G module (example: Quectel EC-25EU) - internal microSD slot (spi-mmc, buggy and disabled for now) - RS232 on D-Sub9 port (Cypress ACM via USB, /dev/ttyACM0) - RS422/RS485 (AR934x high speed UART, /dev/ttyATH1) - analog 0-24V input (MCP3221) - various digital inputs and outputs incl. a relay - 11x LED (4 are driven by AR9344, 7 by PCA9539) - 2x miniSIM slot (can be swapped via GPIO) - 2x RP-SMA/F (Wi-Fi), 3x SMA/F (2x WWAN, GPS) - 1x button (reset) - DC jack for main power input (9-30 V) - debugging UART available on PCB edge connector Serial console (/dev/ttyS0) pinout: - RX: pin1 (square) on top side of the main PCB (AR9344 is on top) - TX: pin1 (square) on bottom side Flash instruction: Vendor firmware is based on OpenWrt CC release. Use the "factory" image directly in GUI (make sure to uncheck "keep settings") or in U-Boot web based recovery. To avoid any problems, make sure to first update vendor firmware to latest version - "factory" image was successfully tested on device running "RUT9XX_R_00.06.051" firmware and U-Boot "3.0.1". Signed-off-by: Daniel Golle <daniel@makrotopia.org>
2020-04-29 19:59:04 +00:00
define Device/teltonika_rut955-h7v3c0
TARGET_DEVICES += teltonika_rut955-h7v3c0
define Device/trendnet_tew-823dru
SOC := qca9558
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca988x-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 15296k
IMAGES := factory.bin sysupgrade.bin
IMAGE/default := append-kernel | pad-to $$$$(BLOCKSIZE) | append-rootfs | \
IMAGE/factory.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | pad-offset $$$$(IMAGE_SIZE) 26 | \
append-string 00AP135AR9558-RT-131129-00 | check-size
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := $$(IMAGE/default) | append-metadata | \
TARGET_DEVICES += trendnet_tew-823dru
define Device/wd_mynet-n750
SOC := ar9344
DEVICE_VENDOR := Western Digital
IMAGE_SIZE := 15872k
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2
SEAMA_SIGNATURE := wrgnd13_wd_av
TARGET_DEVICES += wd_mynet-n750
define Device/wd_mynet-wifi-rangeextender
SOC := ar9344
DEVICE_VENDOR := Western Digital
DEVICE_MODEL := My Net Wi-Fi Range Extender
DEVICE_PACKAGES := rssileds nvram -swconfig
IMAGE_SIZE := 7808k
ADDPATTERN_ID := mynet-rext
IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin := append-rootfs | pad-rootfs | cybertan-trx | \
addpattern | append-metadata
TARGET_DEVICES += wd_mynet-wifi-rangeextender
define Device/winchannel_wb2000
SOC := ar9344
DEVICE_VENDOR := Winchannel
IMAGE_SIZE := 15872k
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-i2c-gpio kmod-rtc-ds1307 kmod-usb2 \
TARGET_DEVICES += winchannel_wb2000
define Device/xiaomi_mi-router-4q
SOC := qca9561
DEVICE_MODEL := Mi Router 4Q
IMAGE_SIZE := 14336k
TARGET_DEVICES += xiaomi_mi-router-4q
define Device/yuncore_a770
SOC := qca9531
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca9887-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
IMAGES += tftp.bin
IMAGE/tftp.bin := $$(IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin) | yuncore-tftp-header-16m
TARGET_DEVICES += yuncore_a770
ath79: Add support for ZBT-WD323 ZBT-WD323 is a dual-LTE router based on AR9344. The detailed specifications are: * AR9344 560MHz/450MHz/225MHz (CPU/DDR/AHN). * 128 MB RAM * 16MB of flash(SPI-NOR, 22MHz) * 1x 2.4GHz wifi (Atheros AR9340) * 3x 10/100Mbos Ethernet (AR8229) * 1x USB2.0 port * 2x miniPCIe-slots (USB2.0 only) * 2x SIM slots (standard size) * 4x LEDs (1 gpio controlled) * 1x reset button * 1x 10 pin terminal block (RS232, RS485, 4x GPIO) * 2x CP210x UART bridge controllers (used for RS232 and RS485) * 1x 2 pin 5mm industrial interface (input voltage 12V~36V) * 1x DC jack * 1x RTC (PCF8563) Tested: - Ethernet switch - Wifi - USB port - MiniPCIe-slots (+ SIM slots) - Sysupgrade - Reset button - RS232 Intallation and recovery: The board ships with OpenWRT, but sysupgrade does not work as a different firmware format than what is expected is generated. The easiest way to install (and recover) the router, is to use the web-interface provided by the bootloader (Breed). While the interface is in Chinese, it is easy to use. First, in order to access the interface, you need to hold down the reset button for around five seconds. Then, go to in your browser. Click on the second item in the list on the left to access the recovery page. The second item on the next page is where you select the firmware. Select the menu item containing "Atheros SDK" and "16MB" in the dropdown close to the buttom, and click on the button at the bottom to start installation/recovery. Notes: * RS232 is available on /dev/ttyUSB0 and RS485 on /dev/ttyUSB1 Signed-off-by: Kristian Evensen <kristian.evensen@gmail.com> [removed unused poll-interval from gpio-keys, i2c-gpio 4.19 compat] Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <ynezz@true.cz>
2019-05-31 13:43:14 +00:00
ath79: add support for YunCore XD4200 and A782 YunCore XD4200 ('XD4200_W6.0' marking on PCB) is Qualcomm/Atheros based (QCA9563, QCA9886, QCA8334) dual-band, Wave-2 AC1200 ceiling AP with PoE (802.3at) support. A782 model ('T750_V5.1' marking on PCB) is a smaller version of the XD4200, with similar specification but lower TX power. Specification: - QCA9563 (775 MHz) - 128 MB of RAM (DDR2) - 16 MB of FLASH (SPI NOR) - 2x 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet (QCA8334), with 802.3at PoE support (WAN) - Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz: - XD4200: 2T2R (QCA9563), with ext. PA (SKY65174-21) and LNA - A782: 2T2R (QCA9563), with ext. FEM (SKY85329-11) - Wi-Fi 5 GHz: - XD4200: 2T2R (QCA9886), with ext. FEM (SKY85728-11) - A782: 2T2R (QCA9886), with ext. FEM (SKY85735-11) - LEDs: - XD4200: 5x (2x driven by SOC, 1x driven by AC radio, 2x Ethernet) - A782: 3x (1x RGB, driven by SOC and radio, 2x Ethernet) - 1x button (reset) - 1x UART (4-pin, 2.54 mm pitch) header on PCB - 1x DC jack (12 V) Flash instructions: If your device comes with generic QSDK based firmware, you can login over telnet (login: root, empty password, default IP:, issue first (important!) 'fw_setenv' command and then perform regular upgrade, using 'sysupgrade -n -F ...' (you can use 'wget' to download image to the device, SSH server is not available): fw_setenv bootcmd "bootm 0x9f050000 || bootm 0x9fe80000" sysupgrade -n -F openwrt-...-yuncore_...-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin In case your device runs firmware with YunCore custom GUI, you can use U-Boot recovery mode: 1. Set a static IP on PC and start TFTP server with 'tftp' image renamed to 'upgrade.bin' 2. Power the device with reset button pressed and release it after 5-7 seconds, recovery mode should start downloading image from server (unfortunately, there is no visible indication that recovery got enabled - in case of problems check TFTP server logs) Signed-off-by: Piotr Dymacz <pepe2k@gmail.com>
2019-11-12 21:36:28 +00:00
define Device/yuncore_a782
SOC := qca9563
ath79: add support for YunCore XD4200 and A782 YunCore XD4200 ('XD4200_W6.0' marking on PCB) is Qualcomm/Atheros based (QCA9563, QCA9886, QCA8334) dual-band, Wave-2 AC1200 ceiling AP with PoE (802.3at) support. A782 model ('T750_V5.1' marking on PCB) is a smaller version of the XD4200, with similar specification but lower TX power. Specification: - QCA9563 (775 MHz) - 128 MB of RAM (DDR2) - 16 MB of FLASH (SPI NOR) - 2x 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet (QCA8334), with 802.3at PoE support (WAN) - Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz: - XD4200: 2T2R (QCA9563), with ext. PA (SKY65174-21) and LNA - A782: 2T2R (QCA9563), with ext. FEM (SKY85329-11) - Wi-Fi 5 GHz: - XD4200: 2T2R (QCA9886), with ext. FEM (SKY85728-11) - A782: 2T2R (QCA9886), with ext. FEM (SKY85735-11) - LEDs: - XD4200: 5x (2x driven by SOC, 1x driven by AC radio, 2x Ethernet) - A782: 3x (1x RGB, driven by SOC and radio, 2x Ethernet) - 1x button (reset) - 1x UART (4-pin, 2.54 mm pitch) header on PCB - 1x DC jack (12 V) Flash instructions: If your device comes with generic QSDK based firmware, you can login over telnet (login: root, empty password, default IP:, issue first (important!) 'fw_setenv' command and then perform regular upgrade, using 'sysupgrade -n -F ...' (you can use 'wget' to download image to the device, SSH server is not available): fw_setenv bootcmd "bootm 0x9f050000 || bootm 0x9fe80000" sysupgrade -n -F openwrt-...-yuncore_...-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin In case your device runs firmware with YunCore custom GUI, you can use U-Boot recovery mode: 1. Set a static IP on PC and start TFTP server with 'tftp' image renamed to 'upgrade.bin' 2. Power the device with reset button pressed and release it after 5-7 seconds, recovery mode should start downloading image from server (unfortunately, there is no visible indication that recovery got enabled - in case of problems check TFTP server logs) Signed-off-by: Piotr Dymacz <pepe2k@gmail.com>
2019-11-12 21:36:28 +00:00
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca9888-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
IMAGES += tftp.bin
IMAGE/tftp.bin := $$(IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin) | yuncore-tftp-header-16m
TARGET_DEVICES += yuncore_a782
define Device/yuncore_xd4200
SOC := qca9563
ath79: add support for YunCore XD4200 and A782 YunCore XD4200 ('XD4200_W6.0' marking on PCB) is Qualcomm/Atheros based (QCA9563, QCA9886, QCA8334) dual-band, Wave-2 AC1200 ceiling AP with PoE (802.3at) support. A782 model ('T750_V5.1' marking on PCB) is a smaller version of the XD4200, with similar specification but lower TX power. Specification: - QCA9563 (775 MHz) - 128 MB of RAM (DDR2) - 16 MB of FLASH (SPI NOR) - 2x 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet (QCA8334), with 802.3at PoE support (WAN) - Wi-Fi 2.4 GHz: - XD4200: 2T2R (QCA9563), with ext. PA (SKY65174-21) and LNA - A782: 2T2R (QCA9563), with ext. FEM (SKY85329-11) - Wi-Fi 5 GHz: - XD4200: 2T2R (QCA9886), with ext. FEM (SKY85728-11) - A782: 2T2R (QCA9886), with ext. FEM (SKY85735-11) - LEDs: - XD4200: 5x (2x driven by SOC, 1x driven by AC radio, 2x Ethernet) - A782: 3x (1x RGB, driven by SOC and radio, 2x Ethernet) - 1x button (reset) - 1x UART (4-pin, 2.54 mm pitch) header on PCB - 1x DC jack (12 V) Flash instructions: If your device comes with generic QSDK based firmware, you can login over telnet (login: root, empty password, default IP:, issue first (important!) 'fw_setenv' command and then perform regular upgrade, using 'sysupgrade -n -F ...' (you can use 'wget' to download image to the device, SSH server is not available): fw_setenv bootcmd "bootm 0x9f050000 || bootm 0x9fe80000" sysupgrade -n -F openwrt-...-yuncore_...-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin In case your device runs firmware with YunCore custom GUI, you can use U-Boot recovery mode: 1. Set a static IP on PC and start TFTP server with 'tftp' image renamed to 'upgrade.bin' 2. Power the device with reset button pressed and release it after 5-7 seconds, recovery mode should start downloading image from server (unfortunately, there is no visible indication that recovery got enabled - in case of problems check TFTP server logs) Signed-off-by: Piotr Dymacz <pepe2k@gmail.com>
2019-11-12 21:36:28 +00:00
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-ath10k-ct ath10k-firmware-qca9888-ct
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
IMAGES += tftp.bin
IMAGE/tftp.bin := $$(IMAGE/sysupgrade.bin) | yuncore-tftp-header-16m
TARGET_DEVICES += yuncore_xd4200
ath79: Add support for ZBT-WD323 ZBT-WD323 is a dual-LTE router based on AR9344. The detailed specifications are: * AR9344 560MHz/450MHz/225MHz (CPU/DDR/AHN). * 128 MB RAM * 16MB of flash(SPI-NOR, 22MHz) * 1x 2.4GHz wifi (Atheros AR9340) * 3x 10/100Mbos Ethernet (AR8229) * 1x USB2.0 port * 2x miniPCIe-slots (USB2.0 only) * 2x SIM slots (standard size) * 4x LEDs (1 gpio controlled) * 1x reset button * 1x 10 pin terminal block (RS232, RS485, 4x GPIO) * 2x CP210x UART bridge controllers (used for RS232 and RS485) * 1x 2 pin 5mm industrial interface (input voltage 12V~36V) * 1x DC jack * 1x RTC (PCF8563) Tested: - Ethernet switch - Wifi - USB port - MiniPCIe-slots (+ SIM slots) - Sysupgrade - Reset button - RS232 Intallation and recovery: The board ships with OpenWRT, but sysupgrade does not work as a different firmware format than what is expected is generated. The easiest way to install (and recover) the router, is to use the web-interface provided by the bootloader (Breed). While the interface is in Chinese, it is easy to use. First, in order to access the interface, you need to hold down the reset button for around five seconds. Then, go to in your browser. Click on the second item in the list on the left to access the recovery page. The second item on the next page is where you select the firmware. Select the menu item containing "Atheros SDK" and "16MB" in the dropdown close to the buttom, and click on the button at the bottom to start installation/recovery. Notes: * RS232 is available on /dev/ttyUSB0 and RS485 on /dev/ttyUSB1 Signed-off-by: Kristian Evensen <kristian.evensen@gmail.com> [removed unused poll-interval from gpio-keys, i2c-gpio 4.19 compat] Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <ynezz@true.cz>
2019-05-31 13:43:14 +00:00
define Device/zbtlink_zbt-wd323
SOC := ar9344
ath79: Add support for ZBT-WD323 ZBT-WD323 is a dual-LTE router based on AR9344. The detailed specifications are: * AR9344 560MHz/450MHz/225MHz (CPU/DDR/AHN). * 128 MB RAM * 16MB of flash(SPI-NOR, 22MHz) * 1x 2.4GHz wifi (Atheros AR9340) * 3x 10/100Mbos Ethernet (AR8229) * 1x USB2.0 port * 2x miniPCIe-slots (USB2.0 only) * 2x SIM slots (standard size) * 4x LEDs (1 gpio controlled) * 1x reset button * 1x 10 pin terminal block (RS232, RS485, 4x GPIO) * 2x CP210x UART bridge controllers (used for RS232 and RS485) * 1x 2 pin 5mm industrial interface (input voltage 12V~36V) * 1x DC jack * 1x RTC (PCF8563) Tested: - Ethernet switch - Wifi - USB port - MiniPCIe-slots (+ SIM slots) - Sysupgrade - Reset button - RS232 Intallation and recovery: The board ships with OpenWRT, but sysupgrade does not work as a different firmware format than what is expected is generated. The easiest way to install (and recover) the router, is to use the web-interface provided by the bootloader (Breed). While the interface is in Chinese, it is easy to use. First, in order to access the interface, you need to hold down the reset button for around five seconds. Then, go to in your browser. Click on the second item in the list on the left to access the recovery page. The second item on the next page is where you select the firmware. Select the menu item containing "Atheros SDK" and "16MB" in the dropdown close to the buttom, and click on the button at the bottom to start installation/recovery. Notes: * RS232 is available on /dev/ttyUSB0 and RS485 on /dev/ttyUSB1 Signed-off-by: Kristian Evensen <kristian.evensen@gmail.com> [removed unused poll-interval from gpio-keys, i2c-gpio 4.19 compat] Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <ynezz@true.cz>
2019-05-31 13:43:14 +00:00
IMAGE_SIZE := 16000k
DEVICE_PACKAGES := kmod-usb2 kmod-i2c-gpio kmod-rtc-pcf8563 \
kmod-usb-serial kmod-usb-serial-cp210x uqmi
ath79: Add support for ZBT-WD323 ZBT-WD323 is a dual-LTE router based on AR9344. The detailed specifications are: * AR9344 560MHz/450MHz/225MHz (CPU/DDR/AHN). * 128 MB RAM * 16MB of flash(SPI-NOR, 22MHz) * 1x 2.4GHz wifi (Atheros AR9340) * 3x 10/100Mbos Ethernet (AR8229) * 1x USB2.0 port * 2x miniPCIe-slots (USB2.0 only) * 2x SIM slots (standard size) * 4x LEDs (1 gpio controlled) * 1x reset button * 1x 10 pin terminal block (RS232, RS485, 4x GPIO) * 2x CP210x UART bridge controllers (used for RS232 and RS485) * 1x 2 pin 5mm industrial interface (input voltage 12V~36V) * 1x DC jack * 1x RTC (PCF8563) Tested: - Ethernet switch - Wifi - USB port - MiniPCIe-slots (+ SIM slots) - Sysupgrade - Reset button - RS232 Intallation and recovery: The board ships with OpenWRT, but sysupgrade does not work as a different firmware format than what is expected is generated. The easiest way to install (and recover) the router, is to use the web-interface provided by the bootloader (Breed). While the interface is in Chinese, it is easy to use. First, in order to access the interface, you need to hold down the reset button for around five seconds. Then, go to in your browser. Click on the second item in the list on the left to access the recovery page. The second item on the next page is where you select the firmware. Select the menu item containing "Atheros SDK" and "16MB" in the dropdown close to the buttom, and click on the button at the bottom to start installation/recovery. Notes: * RS232 is available on /dev/ttyUSB0 and RS485 on /dev/ttyUSB1 Signed-off-by: Kristian Evensen <kristian.evensen@gmail.com> [removed unused poll-interval from gpio-keys, i2c-gpio 4.19 compat] Signed-off-by: Petr Štetiar <ynezz@true.cz>
2019-05-31 13:43:14 +00:00
TARGET_DEVICES += zbtlink_zbt-wd323